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Charli XCX: Iggy can do whatever the **** she wants


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It's not just this forum, and if you think this issue is only being called racist on this forum then you're deluded. I am so freaking sick of these gay white guys on this site thinking that just because they don't see racism in something that it doesn't exist. You CLEARLY live an insanely sheltered life and have not talked to more than one black person about how they feel about the topic. I know many black people are pissed the **** off about this, and as well they should be. Don't embarrass yourself by thinking these issues are only discussed in the vacuum that is Gaga daily.


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swine killer

"They don’t have to play the rules the right way. David Bowie didn’t. I’m not comparing her to Bowie, but who gives a f---? It’s just because it’s hip hop."


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It's not just this forum, and if you think this issue is only being called racist on this forum then you're deluded. I am so freaking sick of these gay white guys on this site thinking that just because they don't see racism in something that it doesn't exist. You CLEARLY live an insanely sheltered life and have not talked to more than one black person about how they feel about the topic. I know many black people are pissed the **** off about this, and as well they should be. Don't embarrass yourself by thinking these issues are only discussed in the vacuum that is Gaga daily.

1. I didn't say this issues were only GGD. I'm not stupid, I know that racism is alive and big in America still, so stfu and don't put words in my mouth.

2. Not one black person I know is insulted by Iggy, I've explained the situation to many at school. None of them give a **** what Iggy does and some even like her. Now they're views on the shootings and racism is a different story they're very pissed off about the racism in this country.

3. I don't see how I'm embarrassing myself. I never said it was only GGD. Stop throwing a hissy fit ranting and go spend time with your family. It's Christmas.

4. Also I was particularly talking about this forum and how every little opinion gets the word RACIST thrown at it. The word is thrown around way to easily on this forum, one comment that isn't even that bad shouldn't label someone a RACIST.

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1. I didn't say this issues were only GGD. I'm not stupid, I know that racism is alive and big in America still, so stfu and don't put words in my mouth.

2. Not one black person I know is insulted by Iggy, I've explained the situation to many at school. None of them give a **** what Iggy does and some even like her. Now they're views on the shootings and racism is a different story they're very pissed off about the racism in this country.

3. I don't see how I'm embarrassing myself. I never said it was only GGD. Stop throwing a hissy fit ranting and go spend time with your family. It's Christmas.

4. Also I was particularly talking about this forum and how every little opinion gets the word RACIST thrown at it. The word is thrown around way to easily on this forum, one comment that isn't even that bad shouldn't label someone a RACIST.

1. You said people on this site calling it racist as if no one else anywhere else was. If you thought I was putting words in your mouth I apologize it was not my intention, I simply made an inference.

2. The black people you know don't speak for black people as a whole. If you saw The Azealia interview on Hot 97 she makes valid points, I don't think we should simply swipe those away because we can't directly relate to them.

3. You'd be embarrassing yourself if you think we are throwing the word "racist" around randomly. It isn't random, we think these things for a valid reason. 

4. I don't know which comment you're talking about. What I know is calling yourself a runaway slave master with a whip motion is incredibly screwed up, especially considering you're in a genre that was created by African Americans.


I won't be able to convince you to think what she is doing is screwed up, but PLEASE understand that the points people are making are not baseless. Many people are hurt and offended by Iggy's presence in the industry as well as how she is being embraced by the grammy's and other award shows/media outlets. The people who call it racist are well intended, no one is saying it purely because they don't like Iggy's music. I don't know you so I do not want to go too far into this, but instead of saying "people use the term 'racist' so often" try seeing things from their point of view. Really think about how it would feel if you were in Azealia's position. Hell not just Azealia, any black person who wants to be taken seriously in the rap/hip-hop industry. I don't want to be seen as attacking you, I just don't want serious issues dismissed because not everyone can see why they are serious issues.

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It's not just this forum, and if you think this issue is only being called racist on this forum then you're deluded. I am so freaking sick of these gay white guys on this site thinking that just because they don't see racism in something that it doesn't exist. You CLEARLY live an insanely sheltered life and have not talked to more than one black person about how they feel about the topic. I know many black people are pissed the **** off about this, and as well they should be. Don't embarrass yourself by thinking these issues are only discussed in the vacuum that is Gaga daily.





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1. I didn't say this issues were only GGD. I'm not stupid, I know that racism is alive and big in America still, so stfu and don't put words in my mouth.

2. Not one black person I know is insulted by Iggy, I've explained the situation to many at school. None of them give a **** what Iggy does and some even like her. Now they're views on the shootings and racism is a different story they're very pissed off about the racism in this country.

3. I don't see how I'm embarrassing myself. I never said it was only GGD. Stop throwing a hissy fit ranting and go spend time with your family. It's Christmas.

4. Also I was particularly talking about this forum and how every little opinion gets the word RACIST thrown at it. The word is thrown around way to easily on this forum, one comment that isn't even that bad shouldn't label someone a RACIST.


A voice of reason. Leftist Americans in general throw around the word racist too much and it doesn't too any good for racial relations or having constructive discussions. Black people disagree among themselves, but of course white Social Justice Warriors think they speak for Real Blacks and those with other opinions don't count. 


All a distraction from deeper issues like how blacks have been hurt worse by the Recession than whites, and the gap in unemployment rates between young blacks and whites has been growing. Economic disparity is the real source of Privilege and Disadvantage. I cheered when Obama won, but I think SJW rhetoric on race mostly drives moderate whites to side with Republicans.

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A voice of reason. Leftist Americans in general throw around the word racist too much and it doesn't too any good for racial relations or having constructive discussions. Black people disagree among themselves, but of course white Social Justice Warriors think they speak for Real Blacks and those with other opinions don't count. 


All a distraction from deeper issues like how blacks have been hurt worse by the Recession than whites, and the gap in unemployment rates between young blacks and whites has been growing. Economic disparity is the real source of Privilege and Disadvantage. I cheered when Obama won, but I think SJW rhetoric on race mostly drives moderate whites to side with Republicans.

I agree with you completely :applause: I cheered when Obama one too, don't get me started though on how much I despise him now as our president thought I did my senior project speech on why Obama should be impeached :hehe:

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I can't and I won't take this racist drama serious because it was started by Azealia, the girl that feuds with everyone that's famous trying to get a little bit of their popularity. For me this whole crying on the radio because her people suffer to much is more of a publicity stunt than she actually caring, does she do anything to the community other than spending all her money on herself?**** it if Iggy's white, she became successful because her singles were generic, mainstream and easy to swallow, not because she's white, Nicki's successfull but she is black, but that's also because her biggest hits are generic, mainstream and easy to swallow.

So much tea spilled there

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She can do whatever she wants but that her music is still mediocre at best 

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