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Celebrity Big Brother 2015 (UK/Series 15)


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I'm disgusted that Perez hasn't been removed after multiple warnings. The fact he said that to Calum, THEN in the diary room refused to acknowledge what he's done and instead made it worse by saying if Calum was game for it, then he would follow it through. I genuinely thought Calum was gonna twat him at first, but I'm so glad he kept cool and just walked away because if he'd have gone for Perez it would've been exactly what Perez wanted. Plus afterwards he said that what he said to Calum was 'fabulous'. Like um, threatening to rape someone is really fabulous to you Perez? :wtf: 

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I'm disgusted that Perez hasn't been removed after multiple warnings. The fact he said that to Calum, THEN in the diary room refused to acknowledge what he's done and instead made it worse by saying if Calum was game for it, then he would follow it through. I genuinely thought Calum was gonna twat him at first, but I'm so glad he kept cool and just walked away because if he'd have gone for Perez it would've been exactly what Perez wanted. Plus afterwards he said that what he said to Calum was 'fabulous'. Like um, threatening to rape someone is really fabulous to you Perez? :wtf:


He's gross. I stopped watching the show after the first week or so just because I can't stand watching him, but I've sort of kept up with the goings on in the house. Usually I enjoy it when there's an asshole in the house cos it's entertaining, but Perez is too much. And the fact the producers are so blatantly doing everything they can to keep him in is literally just disgusting. This is why I'm not watching anymore, it just makes me angry and I don't wanna support it in anyway.


The fact he has a son is really quite frightening.

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Is that one for months or just one like CBB?


It starts in June and usually finishes around the middle/end of August, then another CBB starts a few days after

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Just caught up on tonight's show. Perez playing the victim made me sick. He hasn't acknowledged anything that he's done wrong and he refuses to take responsibility for his awful actions. What a delusional, sad way to go through life. I pity him.

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So I think tonight's show is 2 hours? There is a one hour slot, and then a live special, but I don't know if that's two hours total, or three :duck:


Either way I have no idea who will go. I'd like Katie P to go, she's boring me :spin:

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Letter's from home are involved tonight, I'm assuming that's 'The Fallout'.


The Bombshell (I think), is where Emma will go into the house to literally 'drag one of them out of the house'. 



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Morphine Prince

As for Wednesday's double eviction, I think it'll be Kav and Michelle who go.

I don't want Michelle to go :noparty: 


I can't believe people are voting for Perez. How sad tbh. I think he will make it to the final. 

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I'm glad Cami is gone. I hate Perez, but Cami was almost just as cringe worthy to listen to. Her whole "ghetto" moments were so fake, every time she did it, it looked like she was acting. This is CBB, not the bad girls club, chill out and stop being such a try hard. She can't even form sentences correctly, almost like she just learned to speak. Tho her trolling Pigrez was entertaining.

Edit: it was also annoying how she could never listen to anyone's side, either her way/her last word or she'd have a cussing temper tantrum. Not every other word has to be "b---h" or "f_(K"

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