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Do you guys agree with this ATRL quote about Interscope?


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Honestly I don't understand people freaking out about Interscope controlling people.

I mean, if I'm correct Lana Del Rey is part of Interscope and she seems to be happy and not controlled.

Her original video for West Coast had a lot more d--g use and scenes that she was told to cut...

Her original video for Shades of Cool had a suidcide scene that they cut after her "I wish I was dead" quote brought bad attention...

The studio didn't like Ultraviolence until Adele's producer (I think Paul Epworth) told them he wouldn't change anything and it was perfect...THEN they went with it, but they didn't like the album at first


Lana does her thing, but is controlled pretty tightly still. It's actually pretty amazing how much of her vision she IS able to retain.

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Interscope is a greedy label since day one though.

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Honestly I don't understand people freaking out about Interscope controlling people.

I mean, if I'm correct Lana Del Rey is part of Interscope and she seems to be happy and not controlled.

Maybe Lana isn't into pushing boundaries.  Gaga is, and Interscope won't allow it.  It's a terrible situation for an artist who wants to push her creativity to the limits and advance the art of pop music to her own vision.  Gaga doesn't fit into industry norms.  We would get the best music if Gaga were free to do what she wants.  The larger public that is into the basic or generic music to which they are accustomed would not like it, but I think we would be thrilled.  But a label is into maximizing sales, so there you go.  Art takes a back seat.  I think a lot of Gaga's art in ARTPOP was written out of the finished product.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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agreed tbh


interscope is one of the best labels out there, thye give a lot of $$$$$$$$ to their artists for music videos, performances and worldwide tours


gaga's music videos wouldn't be as expensive  as they have been if she was with another label


have you seen beyonce's videos?



they couldn't be more cheap

My Favs = Lady Gaga, Janet Jackson, Ricky Martin, AKB48
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agreed tbh

interscope is one of the best labels out there, thye give a lot of $$$$$$$$ to their artists for music videos, performances and worldwide tours

gaga's music videos wouldn't be as expensive as they have been if she was with another label

have you seen beyonce's videos?

they couldn't be more cheap

Did you watch her SXSW or HS interview? She said record labels have no money. She paid for GUY video by herself.

Her tours have sponsors and Live Nation is in charge, not Interscope.

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Did you watch her SXSW or HS interview? She said record labels have no money. She paid for G.U.Y. video by herself.



no one whould have wasted more money in an era that was dead long time ago, try to put yourself in interscope feet, are you suddenly forgettting that interscope had spent A LOT of money in expensive music videos and performances, if she was in another cheap label she wouldn't have had as much production ofr performances and msuic videos like she has had already


again look at beyonce's videos from columbia records compared to gaga's videography, they are so cheap

My Favs = Lady Gaga, Janet Jackson, Ricky Martin, AKB48
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Maybe Lana isn't into pushing boundaries.  Gaga is, and Interscope won't allow it.  It's a terrible situation for an artist who wants to push her creativity to the limits and advance the art of pop music to her own vision.  Gaga doesn't fit into industry norms.  We would get the best music if Gaga were free to do what she wants.  The larger public that is into the basic or generic music to which they are accustomed would not like it, but I think we would be thrilled.  But a label is into maximizing sales, so there you go.  Art takes a back seat.  I think a lot of Gaga's art in ARTPOP was written out of the finished product.

Nah Ultraviolence was a big departure from Lana's Born To Die sound, as another user pointed out Interscope didn't like it and it almost didn't get released. But Lana isn't really a pop star and there's less at stake in her career, she's still riding high off her 6m selling debut so she can afford to release a more niche record. Gaga on the other hand is a pure pop star who had a pretty fragile relationship with the public after BTW so I can understand why Interscope was feeling pretty risk-averse.


I agree that they probably cut a lot of the riskier, stronger material and that the album was probably changed many times. But I think Gaga and her management were complicit in that too. We all know now that Troy wanted to milk her hard and I think Gaga herself was falling into that mindset, with her tweets about "coming for Carly's record" and "snatching weaves and naval rings with ARTPOP". I think everyone from the label to management to Gaga herself was too paranoid about her brand to allow for her creativity to thrive, and that was before the hip injury, you can imagine how much worse it all got afterwards.

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Interscope is responsible completely for making sure an album for one of their biggest stars takes off, and if they don't fully support and believe in the concept of one of their artists then they should have never gone through with the album.

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I don't agree because I don't blame just Interscope... I blame everybody. Interscope, Gaga and Troy. 


They are responsible too because at the end of the day they decide what gets a release. They are responsible for their money and where it goes. They are the parents in this situation.


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Blame everyone and yourself if it makes you feel better. Blame will not change the past. Learn from the past and plan for the future, right now. Now is all you have. Then ask yourself why you're so emotionally invested in an artist's career. It's her baby.

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Wet Fire

I agree that Interscope didn't make her do those things. It just made her re-record the album with more radio-friendly & conventional approach leaving the experimental effort Gaga was trying to do in the first place.

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Gaga has said multiple times since the release of ARTPOP that Her label has been nothing been supportive of her work and creativity. It's some of the fans that want to blame Interscope on no merit other than "Gaga obviously didn't have freedom because things didn't go exactly right." The problem was with Troy and her mental state at the time of release, according to her. I don't see why we can't all believe her...

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