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Gaga thanks Gwen Stefani for using ARTPOP as an adjective


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Gwen could have said pop art but she said ARTPOP

They really need to collab!



Gaga is not being deluded. There was definitely some ARTPOP impact on Gwen's words!


And a collab between these two would slay my life forever :giveup:

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This is like the over-attached friend that really creeps you out, but you put up with them because the drama of telling them they're creepy isn't worth it :madge: 

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I really hope Gwen replies and says: "What are you talking about? Did you invent the concept of ARTPOP"? Delusional....

What the hell are you doing in a Gaga fan site?

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Ray of Light

I'm just more worried about the fact that Gaga knows when someone says something during an HSN promo. How often does she Google herself? That's not healthy, especially not for Gaga :giveup:

It's nice to see Gwen, Gaga's label mate, give ARTPOP a little nod though!

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Do you all need enemas and hot rags on your necks?

I'm glad she pointed out Gwen's little Koons sculptures and her use of the word ARTPOP. I've followed pop culture for many many years and that term was not around or creating any kind of impact before Gaga brought it o the forefront of pop culture. Are there really that many trolls on here?

I can't believe how many of these b---hes are snagging up her ideas and the worst part is her "fans", which none of you really are, are just b---hy little queens worried about what other fan bases think when you should be defending Gaga's work and legacy, you know, the one she made for you...

ARTPOP is her concept, for fuucks sake she has a Koons globe on her album cover and it's called ARTPOP. She is still on freaking tour and Gwen is sitting over here selling knock off Koons sculptures and calling them ARTPOP.

I was hoping I could take a break from GGD and come back less annoyed, but literally in less than two log ins I am once again over you little whiny sniveling kunts. All of you, trolling, pathetic, low life, little kunts can suck a bag of dirty dicks. Take your stan cards and shove them up your asses.


:applause: :applause: bravo. Drag those fake-fans trolls without life who live in GGD. I hope the Mods take note of this and finally take action

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I'm just more worried about the fact that Gaga knows when someone says something during an HSN promo. How often does she Google herself? That's not healthy, especially not for Gaga :giveup:

It's nice to see Gwen, Gaga's label mate, give ARTPOP a little nod though!

She doesn't need to google, thanks to GGD she's always updated. This video was discovered by user from here and admin tweeted about it, Gaga follows GGD on twitter.

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Some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

ARTPOP was NOT a commonly used term before Gaga got her hands on it. Don't even pretend it was. The phrase has been used before, but so has poker face and bad romance - but those are associated with Gaga due to her popularising the phrases. It's the same with ARTPOP.

If she wasn't referencing Gaga's album then I'd question what she's doing with the little Koons-esque statues, balloons, and then use of the word ARTPOP.

The internalised b---hy nature and lack of objectivity from some "fans" is intolerable.

:applause: :applause: seriously GGD need take action with the trolls ASAP. This FANSITE is a MESS. Im sure i have more wps than the haters

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that tweet was so cringe worthy tbh... i mean... it's like Gags reached a whole new level of delusion :awkney:

Oh shut up



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:applause: :applause: seriously GGD need take action with the trolls ASAP. This FANSITE is a MESS. Im sure i have more wps than the haters


Dude, I'm with you, that this thread is such a mess. But having different opinions other than 'yaaaaas' and 'slay' on Gaga's different actions does not make you a hater.


You're always whining about trolls and haters but the definition of that is someone who completely hates an artist's music, calls them names and drags them for whatever thing. Very similar to what you do in the entertainment section. Yes, this is a Gaga dedicated forum, but that section is for people who enjoy Gaga's music as well as other artists. 


So please check your actions, check who are the real haters are, before you complain about them or think for one second that those wp's are not well-deserved!

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jesus christ I hate this fan base sometimes ... No one even knew about the word ARTPOP before Gaga so stop ... People knew the term Pop Art and that's something different and you know it ... And if those perfume sculptures don't remind you of anything Koons related then I rest my case! I am not saying Gwen directly referenced Gaga but I think ARTPOP had a bigger influence on Pop Culture than people would like to admit ... Even if it's only the name ...


Really disappointed in some of these posts ... It felt like scrolling through an ATRL thread ... Well done monsters  :applause:

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