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Katy Perry has meltdown on Twitter over frosting

Morphine Prince

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actually to the OP the queen of pop's birthday is March 28th.


Rainbow frosting, really. With the star power she has she tries to bring back rainbow frosting, who needs to save starving children when you got rainbow frosting lmao

I hate comments like this. I understand there's starving children out there it's devastating and heartbreaking, but just because you're a celebrity doesn't mean you need to make your properties helping other people out, all she asked for was the frosting back in a funny manor I don't see what that has to do with starving children.

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actually to the OP the queen of pop's birthday is March 28th.

Rainbow frosting, really. With the star power she has she tries to bring back rainbow frosting, who needs to save starving children when you got rainbow frosting lmao

Oh, please. She's the freaking UNICEF Goodwill ambassador. A dollar from every ticket she sold for her tour went to charity. She does a lot of charity work. What does frosting have to do with it? Celebrities can't eat frosting now? :roll:

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I hate comments like this. I understand there's starving children out there it's devastating and heartbreaking, but just because you're a celebrity doesn't mean you need to make your properties helping other people out, all she asked for was the frosting back in a funny manor I don't see what that has to do with starving children.

Someones a little frosty *pun intended

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Deity Perry restoring company traditions along with spreading LGBT rights propaganda across America. Who else? Only Katy could accomplish such an amazing feat without hurting her own reputation. Frosting icon!

:applause: who else but the queen

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Oh, please. She's the freaking UNICEF Goodwill ambassador. A dollar from every ticket she sold for her tour went to charity. She does a lot of charity work. What does frosting have to do with it? Celebrities can't eat frosting now? :roll:

Relax drama Queen I wasn't bashing her, maybe she needs to tweet you about frosting because you're real frosty


If I was really attacking her I would have said "unicef raised 30 million last year and people spent around 300 million on pet costumes laugh out loud at her Impact" I didn't say that because I wasn't taking this thread or her tweet seriously because I don't care about her and her frosting fetish I just don't care.

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Ray of Light

Relax drama Queen I wasn't bashing her, maybe she needs to tweet you about frosting because you're real frosty

Stop trying to make frosty happen. It's never gonna happen.

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Stop trying to make frosty happen. It's never gonna happen.

Hey hey give me some credit I got you to say it lol

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"HOW CAN I TURN 30 NOW?"  First you need to delete Prism and Teenage Dream from your music library.   :giggle:

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