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Lady Gaga Throws Shade at Madonna in New Interview


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That was such and inappropriate question to ask :smh:
And gaga, i expected more from you :smh:
You should have defended Madge, she's not a specimen, she's a human being :smh:

Disappointed at everyone involved in this interview and some people in this thread  :smh:

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That doesn't change anything at all. How much should she go out of her way to be considered supportive of new artists? like what buy their CDs in bulk? :giggle:

Also, she was supportive to gaga herself in the very beginning, when gaga used to sell only like 2000 tickets :usrs:

The problem is obviously your definition of support being different than mine. Support is conversing with, giving advice too, building a relationship with. It's being a nice person, saying only good things, shouting out on twitter when there is a new release. Support is being okay with someones decision to not release a song that you collaborated on, making someone your sons godmother and performing one of your most iconic songs with them, and doing a collaboration album with someone because you want the world to hear their voice and in the process, giving them life altering advice.

Support isn't talking about someone only when asked a question in an interview. And support is far far far from trash talking other people, who are younger and less established than you are, just because you feel threatened.

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The problem is obviously your definition of support being different than mine. Support is conversing with, giving advice too, building a relationship with. It's being a nice person, saying only good things, shouting out on twitter when there is a new release. Support is being okay with someones decision to not release a song that you collaborated on, making someone your sons godmother and performing one of your most iconic songs with them, and doing a collaboration album with someone because you want the world to hear their voice and in the process, giving them life altering advice.

Support isn't talking about someone only when asked a question in an interview. And support is far far far from trash talking other people, who are younger and less established than you are, just because you feel threatened.


Your definition of support is a little narrow minded :roll:

And why do you think Madonna doesn't give advice to other artists? well she DOES, just because she is not friends with gaga doesn't mean it's the same for everybody.

It's funny how you find Elton john supportive and nice while he calls a woman a fairground stripper when he wasn't even asked about her, and Madonna is labelled insecure and with no soul when she actually said many positive things about gaga after the "reductive" interview, and even invited her on stage. Things are not only black or white.

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Also it's funny how people her hate Madonna "because she's a bully", but it can't go a single day without people bully Katy. Do the Gaga fans have some sort of license to bully? :smh:


EXPOSE 'EM!!!  :trootea:

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lol at my comment being deleted in the first page, GGD really is a dictatorship :coffee:


If we come across a post in a thread that needs to be taken down we never delete- only hide. Which means I should be able to see the hidden post, and it's not there. 


You've got a post on page three: http://gagadaily.com/index.php/topic/125323-gaga-i-would-like-to-mention-madonna-but/page-3#entry5765240, but no records of a post on the first page.


Maybe you tried to post something and it didn't go through? That happened to me in one of my threads earlier- I was trying to quote someone and reply, but it wouldn't post. Maybe that happened to you and you then thought the post was deleted instead?

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Gov Hooka

Remember her open letter from August 2012 about the struggles she had been through during the BTW era??

"There was also of course the incessant dragging of the most important single of my career (BTW) in dead-beaten-horse-mud. Then there were all the personal moments. Betrayed by lifelong friends, mentors I've had for years suddenly taking advantage of me, and a massive struggle with my body image. The monsters of fame are very real."

Instead of supporting her, Madonna just seized the opportunity and added more fuel to the media backlash against BTW. Which was Gaga's most important release, from both a business point of view (THAT difficult turning point after a massively successful debut) as from a personal one (spreading the message of love and equality she's so passionate about).

Would you forget if someone you used to admire and look up to just went on to put down your most important work in front of the world? And laugh with the media about it?

NO. Be honest you wouldn't forget. Maybe forgive but never forget.

I don't think she'll ever be able to trust Madonna again. The best way is to try to ignore her, like she does most of the time. She was just answering a specific question here about her influences, and I think it's even nice from Gaga to say "I would love to mention Madonna". In doing this, she still acknowledges her influence (like many times before the whole BTW situation). But she also makes it clear that it's difficult for her to mention Madonna now, because she was so disappointed by her attitude.


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Your definition of support is a little narrow minded :roll:

And why do you think Madonna doesn't give advice to other artists? well she DOES, just because she is not friends with gaga doesn't mean it's the same for everybody.

It's funny how you find Elton john supportive and nice while he calls a woman a fairground stripper when he wasn't even asked about her, and Madonna is labelled insecure and with no soul when she actually said many positive things about gaga after the "reductive" interview, and even invited her on stage. Things are not only black or white.

I wasn't aware being supportive was narrow minded. By your definition Gaga was supporting Wale and Colby when she collaborated with them.

I never labeled Madonna any of those things.

Elton has said nasty things about Madonna, and apologized many times as well. That has literally nothing to do with how much he supports Gaga though.

If you want me to believe Madonna is a super supportive person, then pull up some prime examples. Examples of Madonna having dinner, giving advice, praising others and giving out some delicious promo. With no collaborations of performances together near the time it was said. And no question instigating the response. I'll believe it if I see it. Answering a single interview question though, really just isn't enough. How many interviews has Tony done about Gaga now?

And... PLEASE PLEASE tell me you aren't talking about this http://www.eonline.com/news/360978/madonna-says-lady-gaga-rejected-offer-to-join-her-onstage-calls-diss-character-building

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This whole interview is weird. Weird as in the interviewer is so direct and asking her if she does it for the money, exploits the LGBT community, and Madonna has a soul :spin:

But I'm glad Gaga is speaking her mind. That's when she's at her best :applause:

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Yeah, that's totally what the intention was. I'm sure the "monsters" eating processed food in the backdrop were meant in the purest, most supportive way possible.  :usrs:


Not that I think Madonna is "soulless" like the interviewer implied, that went way too far... but she has done some nasty things regarding the whole BTW/EY situation, and whether or not she meant it that way, Gaga has a right to be hurt.

That might be the only undefendable thing :toofunny:


Yes, no doubt Madonna can be a b---h... if she feels the need to speak her mind, she doesn't touch her heart to say what she needs to say, even if that might be sensitive for some people. And her sarcastic sense of humor doesn't help much.


Doesn't mean she is the evil, mean-spirited old hag, some monsters make her seem to be... She's had her share of good thoughts on Gaga a lot of times! And I think Gaga herself should also pay more attention to that for her own good, not for Madonna's!!!

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Gee! The Madonna trolls on ATRL are just..:wtf:

Gaga doesn't ask to be mentored, she asked to be respected and not be mocked. Those running Gaga hate blogs, collect her "funny" pictures, and spread hatred online have major mental issues. Get a life! You just make me hate Madonna, which I can't, her music saves her ass from you flop stans


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