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The ATLA/TLOK battlefield (currently closed)


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I honestly have no faith in Katara at all :lmao: I think she's better at being a healer :sweat: Aang I'm not so sure about, yes of course he's great but the Red Lotus are ruthless :laughga:

Yes but as I said if Mako and Bolin survived and defeated them what makes you think that Aang and Katara (the Avatar and a master waterbender) can't defeat them? :laughga:

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Aang vs Zaheer


I'm going red lotus on this one. Korra is older then aang and therefore is a more advanced avatar but failed to take on Zaheer. Aang would get destroyed unless he went into the avatar state (i don't think that's allowed in this scenario). Hypothetically speaking if Aang got poison in his 12 year old body, he probably could not last as long as Korra. Korra was lucky to have survived because the air benders were there to help her. 

Toph vs Gazan


Toph would most likely win this one...simple logic, Toph vs Bolin debate - Toph won. Gazan isn't too much stronger then Bolin and therefore Toph would beat Gazan. 

Katara vs Ming-Hua


Ming-Hua seems to be really strong and offensive at waterbending. Kataras good at using waterbending in a defensive way but i do think that minghuas offensive waterbending will beat kataras defensive waterbending

Azula vs P'li


In terms of strength I think they're evenly matched. Its a matter of who strikes first. one shot from p'li and azulas dead...one lightning blast from azula and p'lis dead...Azula wins in the end because because she is the more skilled strategist

Now we have Azula and Toph vs Ming-Hua and Zaheer

Azula vs Ming-hua

Lightning bend her and its over. simple

Toph vs Zaheer

Its hard to predict...if zaheer goes for more arial attacks the he wins but i feel like toph could do some good damage to him. By this time Azula probably would have defeated ming and will be there to help. 

This is my a--lysis and I have concluded that Team Avatar + Azula will remain victorious

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Aang vs Zaheer


I'm going red lotus on this one. Korra is older then aang and therefore is a more advanced avatar but failed to take on Zaheer. Aang would get destroyed unless he went into the avatar state (i don't think that's allowed in this scenario). Hypothetically speaking if Aang got poison in his 12 year old body, he probably could not last as long as Korra. Korra was lucky to have survived because the air benders were there to help her. 

Toph vs Gazan


Toph would most likely win this one...simple logic, Toph vs Bolin debate - Toph won. Gazan isn't too much stronger then Bolin and therefore Toph would beat Gazan. 

Katara vs Ming-Hua


Ming-Hua seems to be really strong and offensive at waterbending. Kataras good at using waterbending in a defensive way but i do think that minghuas offensive waterbending will beat kataras defensive waterbending

Azula vs P'li


In terms of strength I think they're evenly matched. Its a matter of who strikes first. one shot from p'li and azulas dead...one lightning blast from azula and p'lis dead...Azula wins in the end because because she is the more skilled strategist


Now we have Azula and Toph vs Ming-Hua and Zaheer

Azula vs Ming-hua

Lightning bend her and its over. simple

Toph vs Zaheer


Its hard to predict...if zaheer goes for more arial attacks the he wins but i feel like toph could do some good damage to him. By this time Azula probably would have defeated ming and will be there to help. 

This is my a--lysis and I have concluded that Team Avatar + Azula will remain victorious

I need to add a thing to your nice post.


Based on the yesterday's episode I wanna point out how much better fighter Aang was than Korr. In the whole series what Korra does is just throwing fire, air rocks and water to her oponents, she doesn't use the elements, she just trows things to offense her opponents and she is has more muscles than braid for sure. 


(don't add the poison scenario to the fight though, this is not the series)


As for Azula/P'Li it doesn't need to be a one shot k.o battle for either of them. Azula has huge agility and she is very clever as well.

THere will be a small delay, I'm gonna give the final results in a few hours.

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I need to add a thing to your nice post.


Based on the yesterday's episode I wanna point out how much better fighter Aang was than Korr. In the whole series what Korra does is just throwing fire, air rocks and water to her oponents, she doesn't use the elements, she just trows things to offense her opponents and she is has more muscles than braid for sure. 


(don't add the poison scenario to the fight though, this is not the series)


As for Azula/P'Li it doesn't need to be a one shot k.o battle for either of them. Azula has huge agility and she is very clever as well.

THere will be a small delay, I'm gonna give the final results in a few hours.

Fair enough. I personally don't know if I agree that Aang was a better fighter...Especially if you base it off yesterdays episode because Korra was clearly off her game and Kuvira knew that which is why she challenged her. 

Anyway I don't want this to get off topic. We'll leave it as it is :)

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I might be VERY biased but I think I'll go with original Team Avatar+Azula :emma: idk there's something about them that makes them kickass :legend: even against the best benders TLOK has seen. Aang is the damn avatar, Katara is a pretty damn good water bender, imo she's better than her daughter so I think she could defeat Ming Hua (and added to that there could be Aang and Azula helping her with some fire and lightning bending so). Toph is like the best earthbender there so no discussions here plz :classy: and Azula just proved herself in the past poll winning over current Avatar Korra so :legend:
Sure the Red Lotus benders are great but tbh Zaheer just got his airbending so I don't think he'd be an expert at all.
The only problems I see would be P'Li since not even the original team avatar could against her ability (in their case, Combustion man's) and perhaps Ghazan's lavabending

But anyway I'll just be biased and vote for Aang and his crew woohoo :pawsup:

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I need to add a thing to your nice post.


Based on the yesterday's episode I wanna point out how much better fighter Aang was than Korr. In the whole series what Korra does is just throwing fire, air rocks and water to her oponents, she doesn't use the elements, she just trows things to offense her opponents and she is has more muscles than braid for sure. 


(don't add the poison scenario to the fight though, this is not the series)


As for Azula/P'Li it doesn't need to be a one shot k.o battle for either of them. Azula has huge agility and she is very clever as well.

THere will be a small delay, I'm gonna give the final results in a few hours.

Im sorry I have to disagree there have you forgotten she JUST removed the rest of the poison out of her system. She went 3 years with out any real action the most recent would be vs toph and the earth rumble. Top it off she is still recovering mentally (as said in the interview with bryke) her inner demons still haunt her and Kuvira took advantage from that (pretty much something Azula would do) by telling her what she fears "You're not needed anymore" and "I know you are rusty" + this is mid way in the book ofcourse she would get her butt kicked other wise there wont be a need to finish the book. 

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Im sorry I have to disagree there have you forgotten she JUST removed the rest of the poison out of her system. She went 3 years with out any real action the most recent would be vs toph and the earth rumble. Top it off she is still recovering mentally (as said in the interview with bryke) her inner demons still haunt her and Kuvira took advantage from that (pretty much something Azula would do) by telling her what she fears "You're not needed anymore" and "I know you are rusty" + this is mid way in the book ofcourse she would get her butt kicked other wise there wont be a need to finish the book.

I know this of course but the problem is that this is what she and ,let other benders do in TLOK series. They just throw things. Just look at Mako, Bolin, Korra, Unalaq Ted. They don't bend the elements the way the ATLA characters did. They just throw things to their opponents. It's one of the biggest complains of the series and I agree with it. Aang was a kid and he used his air ending alone with a million different ways through episode 1. Korra just blows her opponents away, or at least she tries.
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Tegatdless, it seems the winners are clear assuming from the poll :fan:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I know this of course but the problem is that this is what she and ,let other benders do in TLOK series. They just throw things. Just look at Mako, Bolin, Korra, Unalaq Ted. They don't bend the elements the way the ATLA characters did. They just throw things to their opponents. It's one of the biggest complains of the series and I agree with it. Aang was a kid and he used his air ending alone with a million different ways through episode 1. Korra just blows her opponents away, or at least she tries.

Yea but to say based on the recent episode is what I disagree with the rest I can agree

Well ofcourse bending is different there is no war to begin with which was the drive of so many powerful benders in ATLA series. The benders are more equal in power than ever before aside from Airbenders they recently returned. Firebenders used to be thhe scariest thing now it seems Waterbenders are giving them a run for their money in this series god damn over powered blood benders

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Yea but to say based on the recent episode is what I disagree with the rest I can agree

Well ofcourse bending is different there is no war to begin with which was the drive of so many powerful benders in ATLA series. The benders are more equal in power than ever before aside from Airbenders they recently returned. Firebenders used to be thhe scariest thing now it seems Waterbenders are giving them a run for their money in this series god damn over powered blood benders

It's not only about bending. In ATLA they did spiritual bending, they became one with their element. In TLOK it's like they use probending everywhere.


I eam look on;y at something simple, their figthing stances.









And then on TLOK:








It's a big mess. :emma:




Anyway, the results are coming in 10 minutes.

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And the winners are:


Team Avatar/Azula




By a score of:



Red Lotus: 3


The dream team has send the criminals to retirement






The next battle comes at Monday the 10th

Vote in our new Poll and give me a hint about what you wanna see next.

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It's not only about bending. In ATLA they did spiritual bending, they became one with their element. In TLOK it's like they use probending everywhere.


I eam look on;y at something simple, their figthing stances.









And then on TLOK:








It's a big mess. :emma:




Anyway, the results are coming in 10 minutes.

Yea it kinda is a mess 

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