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Gaga reveals "Monster Pit" tour plans + chances to meet her backstage


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awful idea and i'm one of the people who don't like to dress up for gaga concert, not exactly fair...

It seems kinda fair. I mean they "sacrificed" more than those who don't. It'd be kind of stupid for someone to start a fight about that. If you end up not getting in to the pit then you will still be closer in the GA area than if you came later.

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I didn't mean you. I just meant how everyone is freaking out saying that they hate the idea when we really don't know the how the whole thing is going to go down. And I totally get what you're saying. I guess I'm just hoping it turns out well too.

Right. It is too soon to reach that kind of conclusion. I really have to give GaGa credit on this one. It is a very different way of doing things on a tour. At least, she is not taking the, "Whoever pays the most deserves to meet me the most," approach.

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Gaga back-traced with the whole dressing up thing. She had to... I can see so many problems with this idea. More cons than pros.

Yes, and middle-aged people were mostly the only ones to meet her the last time she did m&g's because they're the ones who can afford them...

And those same middle-aged people will get off work and be the first in line whereas all the younger people are at school and/or uni and/or far away from the concert venue. :yes:

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Then you all don't deserve the Monster Pit, enjoy your seats/normal GA.

Simple as that.

Wow, then I guess I don't deserve anything since I'm not willing to just have my life revolve around planning on being in a pit with a bunch of crazy, sweaty, smelly, stans.

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People are taking this too literal, imo.

We will find out more when we get a full description.

Edited by Degenerate Rebel
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Lana Winters


Clearly you've already met her, so stop the b---hing please. :roll:


*I'm not in this debate so I can meet her. This isn't fair. End of story.

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So basically 'x' amount of people who get in line first get to go into a special pit in the middle of the stage? I think that's... Fair. I mean, if you are dedicated to buy GA and wait in line isn't the whole point to get first in line and get up close?

I wonder how people are chosen to be taken backstage...

I know she said no dress code required, but come on now....we know that's who the Haus is going to choose.

She should have meet and greet packages. None of this 'whoever dresses up and waits the most gets to meet me' rubbish.


having work and/or school and/or uncontrollable traveling circumstances just for a damn concert are not just "excuses" rme


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Wow, then I guess I don't deserve anything since I'm not willing to just have my life revolve around planning on being in a pit with a bunch of crazy, sweaty, smelly, stans.

Ex-****ing-xactly! :lmao:

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If anything, she's opening up more opportunities to meet her. We didn't have anything like this in TMB 2.0. Yeah, like, one person got to meet her...but it sounds like a lot more will be meeting her now...

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Sure, she says 'no dress code requirement' but as if the haus are going to pick who aren't dressed up. Think about it. waPNA.gif

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