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Gaga reveals "Monster Pit" tour plans + chances to meet her backstage


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Think about those that don't get chosen especially with not getting to meet her. How do you think they'd feel? Tbh I'm a little disappointed with this idea.

Edited by GagaPixie
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Although I've gotta admit, Little Monster meltdowns do amuse me.

ANYWAY, this has all made me look forward to the tour even more. I'm gonna need these dates.

This too. I'm dying from laughter right now. :dies:

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oh dear

If you put more effort into something, you expect to gain something out of it.

Welcome to life.

This. Exactly.

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Lady Gaga: Reading your questions :) No dress code requirement. "Born This Way" means anything goes.

Thank God. Because I WON'T dress up.

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I can see people being trampled :ohno:

That was my first thought as well, esp. since it has happened before.

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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What about being yourself and loving who you are. What if "who you are" isn't the kind of person who likes to dress up?

Again, you DON'T HAVE TO dress up. If you camp out, and are dressed normally, you'll be let into the pit.

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"Reading your questions :) No dress code requirement. "Born This Way" means anything goes."

THANK ****!

Still not happy with the whole idea so far, though.

Edited by SexyUglyMark
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Lion Heart

No happy with your spoiler signature... :nails:


gaga is reading this forum :ohno:

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Gaga's clearly reading through this thread, noted the meltdowns about the dressing up thing, and then tweeted about it :troll:

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