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GagaDaily Cheek to Cheek Q&A with Lady Gaga: Submit Questions NOW!


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Was your main goal, when creating this album, to help expand the mind of today's youth on music? If so do you think you accomplished just that? 

Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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Hi Lady! If you had to describe the way you feel when you sing jazz with Tony in only 3 words, what would they be? You look so happy singing with him so an explanation on why you feel these things would be interesting to hear also! 


Love you so so much x


- Little Kiwi Monster from New Zealand 

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I can't go through all the questions and see if this has been asked, but how did you choose which artists to channel your fashion from for this new era & what is your favourite song from Cheek to Cheek to perform? 


Thank you so much for saving my life, especially after the first Monster Ball I saw in 2009. You will forever have a very special place in my heart. & even though I feel like I'm the only person in LA (just moved here) who hasn't met you, I'm determined to do so soon & have you write out a tattoo for me!




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Hi, Gaga. My Question is what was your favorite song to record? Or was there a song you wanted to record for Cheek to Cheek that didn't make the final cut?

I love you Gaga! You are such an inspirational person and it makes me so emotional to see how happy this Album is making you! I hope you will be forever this happy. :heart:

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Hello Gaga! My question is if you had the chance to back into time when you first started your career and how the Cheek to Cheek era is unfolding today, what would you tell her? in other words, would you change your past to have a better light of today?


Gaga you are a huge inspiration to me! I love you so much and I will never stop being a little monster for you! I have always supported you in any musical shift you've made in your career and I'm happy and glad that there is an artist like you because nowadays they are pretty hard to find. Thank you so much for sticking it out with us and I'm glad you created cheek to cheek because you finally found your gateway to happiness! I love you Mother Monster!


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Hi Gaga! Do you plan on doing a worldwide tour with Tony for the album? And if so, would you be touring arenas/stadiums or just smaller venues? 


Hi Gaga! I love you so much i cant explain in words. I met you when you were in Sydney twice, it was the best feeling ever and all of us can't wait till you arrive in Australia again! You mean so much to us, more than you could ever imagine and i am so grateful that you are doing this on GGD. Even if you dont happen to answer my question, im happy knowing that you have at least seen it <3 P.s. Me and my friend run @labofhookers on twitter, if you've seen us around! :P

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If u do a tour for CTC will u perform jazz version of some of your hits like just dance or born this way

Love Dani from Toronto

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Dean Winchester

Has creating CHEEK TO CHEEK inspired you to make a solo jazz album consisting of original songs written by you?

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Has creating Cheek to Cheek changed your opinion on the past albums that you have created?

"My name is Dita, I'll be your Mistress tonight..."
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You said that you would like to release 1 jazz album each year. Will you make any jazz albums, with ONLY original songs? Or Have you already written some original tracks? You have so much passion and talent, and although, i love hearing you sing the old classics on Cheek To Cheek, i think it would be awesome to hear some original Jazz songs, like Paradise! 


Hi Gaga! Cheek To Cheek is phenomenal! I love you so much i cant explain in words. I met you when you were in Sydney twice, it was the best feeling ever and all of us can't wait till you arrive in Australia again! You mean so much to us, more than you could ever imagine and i am so grateful that you are doing this on GGD. Even if you dont happen to answer my question, im happy knowing that you have at least seen it <3 P.s. Me and my friend run @labofhookers on twitter, if you've seen us around! :P

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Hello Gaga!!!  :spin:


1. How do you think learning piano & being introduced to music at such a young age affected your choice to pursue music? Do you think learning piano has given you an advantage as a songwriter & as a jazz musician?


2. Almost everybody I talk to about Cheek to Cheek says the album is so much fun to listen to, so full of life & emotion - what do you think makes jazz so much fun to perform and experience?


3. George Gershwin is one of my all time favourite composers, is there anything specific that you love about him & his music?


4. Both you and Tony are such creatively driven people, do you find that you two have bonded over that? Is it something that helped you communicate with each other when you recorded the album?


5. I've been learning classical piano since I was young and have recently dived into the world of jazz piano (which i love :D), have you ever tried out jazz piano & if so has it helped your skills as a musician? (If not, would you ever consider it?)





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Hi Gaga! :)


Have you thought about making a Cheek To Cheek box set for collectors? It could come in a special numbered box, have a book of you and Tony behind the scenes making the album, kind of like The Fame Monster Super Deluxe set. Or have a Cheek To Cheek vinyl box set, like you did with Born This Way. I know myself, and other collectors would love that!


I've loved you since The Fame and I can't believe how far you've come. I love how much passion you have for Cheek To Cheek. I'm so glad to have been a fan through it all. I saw you at the artRAVE in San Diego with my Mom and Grandma. They love you and wanted to go with me!

PS, My grandma "Grandma Gaga" makes videos on YouTube an she was in your Edge Of Glory Google Chrome ad, You can see her videos here :) https://www.youtube.com/user/GigiToday/featured

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What happened with the original song 'Paradise' you wrote and Tony said would be on the album? Will you eventually release it? We'd love to here and original Jazz song from you :)


I love you so much and want you to know you've changed my life. I really love ARTPOP and still get my life from listening. I wish you would bring the artRave to Mexico, when are you planning to come back here?

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Dean Winchester

I can hear echoes of Ella Fitzgerald in in your voice throughout CHEEK TO CHEEK, how much of an inspiration was Ella when creating CHEEK TO CHEEK?  

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