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Attn. Audio Remixers! Can you make this megamix for me?

Duella Dvil

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Duella Dvil

Vanity, Fashion (not FASHION!), Beautiful, Drty, Rich, Dance In The Dark, Judas, DWUW, Swine, Aura, Donatella

Another tall order but i think that these songs bond these albums and NEEED this!!!

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Thought you were asking for a Gaga/Kanye mash-up!

The things I would do to hear the studio version of her cover of Heartless :giveup:

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Duella Dvil

If it were backed with heartless and love lockdown...

That is where I was hoping someone would go(:

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well maybe someone can!

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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