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Were You A Hater Before?

Dangerous Man

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Dangerous Man

Yes. I was definitely a hater. More so with peer pressure and the like. I didn't listen to the pop radio station much and stopped listening regularly when Just Dance was big. I didn't care much for it and it was just played like crazy and next thing I knew she was running around in meat dresses and coming out of eggs and I thought she was just doing it for attention. A lot of people I hang out with didn't like her either and would trash talk her. They liked more indie artists, alternative rock, industrial, metal, and rap, etc, and would just trash her constantly so I kind of hopped on the band wagon I guess.

I also think it had to do with over exposure (to me), and then I would run into her fans and if I said I just didn't care for a song of hers (keep in mind, I was being polite) I was attacked and blah blah blah. Basically, I was told that if I didn't think she was the Second Coming of Pop I was an idiot, a*hole, etc. Plus I would see all these Twitter wars and people being incredibly hostile. So I thought all her fans were nasty and rude. So that turned me off more.

When Born This Way album came out I thought the title song was okay (EVERYONE was playing it) but I didn't really bother to check the album out until I heard a Judas remix I liked by accident. I checked out the original song, fell deeply in love, so bought the album. Fell in love with it and the rest is history.

I've trashed talked her before, yes. We would make jokes about her having a penis, being a second rate Madonna clone, and being narcissistic and having to resort to gimmicks and stuff. I didn't really ring-lead any of the nasty talk but I did regretfully participate. Friends would joke about her having VD and other awful terrible things. Basically they were super annoyed and pressed about her (way more than I was) and I would just kind of laugh about it and stuff. It was all nasty and mean, especially because I hadn't bothered to research her or give her an honest listen.

It's a shame I didn't give her a chance. I missed out on some fantastic performances and interviews. It's why I keep my mouth shut about other artists now. I really regret my earlier behavior, and am eating serious crow now.

Aww, it's okay, every one of us does mistake. :hug:

"A little less conversation and a little more touch my body."
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Aww, it's okay, every one of us does mistake. :hug:

Thanks!  :hug:

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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I was really angry when she was smoking and drinking her self into oblivion and gaining too much weight. I accused her of losing it. Then when I found out about her hip, I felt like a piece of garbage.



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Addy Ezzie

Yes. I thought she was vulgar and her music generic. I was so Indie at the time... I became a fan after listening to Born This Way (song) for the first time and after watching an interview of her saying how we should love ourselves. I realized that she was an incredibly smart woman and became obsessed with her.

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I became a fan during the time between Just Dance and Poker Face, and after MJ passed away, she became kinda the artist to fill in that huge void for me. Her underlying message in some of her songs spoke to me, especially the message of the BTW album. Personally TFM was my favorite time being a fan, and I regret of not buying a ticket to TMB tour. As a whole she was interesting from the start, and I kinda looked behind the facade of her being different & a hit machine, I knew she would be the next big thing for many years to come.

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Salvador Dali

My sister had purchased The Fame and I would see it lying around the house but it didn't call my attention, and one day I heard my brother singing "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick." :rip: The girls at school would sing Paparazzi and play it on their phones - I thought it was Britney - :rip: but still, I had no idea who she was. I would see my sister watch interviews and always comment on her weirdness and I grew increasingly annoyed by this person I had absolutely no knowledge of. :awkney: Then, while in Vegas, I heard Bad Romance on literally every station they had and it got stuck in my head so I decided to finally look up who she was and I was slain. :giveup:

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When Gaga came out everyone was all over her, a huge hype. I normally rebel against all that but eventually started fell hook line and sinker for paparazzi and bad romance.

The fact my child would only tolerate her music was probably a big factor and she was barely one at the time pmsl . Born this way lol

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I've never been a hater, but to this date I'm often mistaken as one because I critic her a lot.

Truth is, I'm never biased when sharing my opinion on music - so this applies to every artist out there.

I don't care if it's Gaga or someone else that I love, if I think it's **** I'll say it's ****. I've bashed every artist I'm stanning for.

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I was never a hater. These days I'm very critical of her decisions.


If you show your fandom publically today you're asking for trouble. One time I was verbally assaulted by a guy, he was going "Touch me, touch me" and doing other weird noises in his mic, he could have been touching himself right there and then, that's what I imagined he was doing. I never had this problem supporting other artists :D I felt sooooooooo violated. It was like the worst thing next to rape. And there were like 15 other people witnessing that moment.

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