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Gaga is killing her own fantasy


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:awkney: people complain that she is fake, you complain she is real?  :awkney:  :excuseme:


She is not killing her fantasy, she is evolving.  :kisses:


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I feel you pain bb. Her persona just isnt that interesting anymore. She has a boring, normal relationship, plays with her dog, dresses fairly normal on her days off etc. Even hearing about all her behind the scenes struggles and d--g use has significantly changed my view of her. That "free b---h" spirit that alot of us fell in love is slowly dying and the costumes and stage show is starting to seem more put on, whereas before it felt genuinely believable. Oh well, it was bound to happen one day, I guess she likes to feel closer with her fans by sharing more private information, but it definetly ruins the mystery and makes stanning less fun. On the plus side, I think shes pouring alot more of that adventurous, bold, spirit into her music, whereas as in the beginning it mainly went into her image and presentation. 

i think you guys forget that she is a human 

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TF Gaga actually turned me off. Where some of you saw mysterious I saw someone who was aloof, rude, and superficial. No way could I be a fan of someone who would say "I'm just a pop star I don't care about politics". Thankfully she proved the lie to that statement. When her humanity started coming out I became a fan.

When I see Gaga I see the girl who knew she needed to be an entertainer from youth. The girl who took piano and voice and theater lessons and worked her butt off to make her dreams a reality. The one who created an artistic persona that enthused the world, but also the woman willing to take the risk to move beyond that successful formula. I see the woman willing to risk her career for humanitarian activism. The woman willing to take a stand against hatred in all forms and bullying. The artist who is not satisfied with status quo and continuously pushes herself in new directions.

That person is an example to emulate and a person to respect. I am a fan of Stefani Germanotta, not Lady Gaga in some incarnation.

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to be honest, i don't think she's killing her fantasy. she's killing yours. :awkney:

The succinct truth

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Judas Oyster

Idk. Before I say anything of what I miss or not I must say that this eras and fashion than comes with each new album is different from album to album yes. Maybe even saying that it is evolving. But my point is that she is GROWING, getting older. And I don't care about that, I just care about the music. I like weird music. Something that sounds dark, with dark lyrics. I love the beats of BTW, it is my favorite album. What I'm trying to say it that how she looks and acts is showing directly in her music. And... I just don't LOVE the music she is making now, compared to how much I loved it before. And she is growing. She is getting more and more "normal", which is not a good sign (for me, musically). I will always love her, but I'm here for the music tbh.


Take for example, Blackout of Britney. She was depressed and had all this things happening, and it reflected in her music. I loved that album, and it's the only album of her that I like :P Im glad GaGa is feeling happier, but she is growing. Has now a dog and a good boyfriend, probably gonna marry soon, and perhaps kids? She's "never going to lip synch" again, and is going for an acoustic album. Rock + power ballads. I think this is the way she is going for, I don't think fans like me are going to get what we wished for.

And yeah, it's up to me, I do have a choice, but it's just sad u know :/ She is happy where she is, and she is going to stay there (which I'm glad for, as a human being, but not as a fan of her music).


Add: To respond to your OP:

She hasn't killed it, she has made it reality. She is done with it, and now has other fantasies to fight for.

I liked that fantasy too, so I feel sad it's already done. It's my fault for believing purely in that, and hoping it to be like that forever. But it felt so real, I feel now that it was fake, like being tricked... But oh well...

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Add: To respond to your OP:

She hasn't killed it, she has made it reality. She is done with it, and now has other fantasies to fight for.

I liked that fantasy too, so I feel sad it's already done. It's my fault for believing purely in that, and hoping it to be like that forever. But it felt so real, I feel now that it was fake, like being tricked... But oh well...


It could simply be that she is at a completely different place than she was five to six years ago.


Number one, people change a great deal from their early twenties to their late twenties. The part of your brain that is responsible for judgment, decision making, reasoning, inhibitory control & personality continues to develop until you are around 25. In other words, there is a good chance you will feel differently about many things at 28 than you did at 22 or 23. (thank goodness ;) )


Number two, life happens. The girl in that video hadn't had the immense fame, responsibility and pressure that Gaga has now experienced. At that time, Gaga hadn't tested borderline positive for Lupus or had a near career ending injury. She didn't have three pins in her hip and hadn't spent four months in a wheelchair. She hadn't lost her Grandfather, who she was close to. Gaga still felt invincible.

At the time of that posted video, Gaga didn't feel the full level of responsibility of the fans who would come to adore her. She had yet to hear all their stories. She hadn't received the text from a young, bullied Jamey Rodemeyer. Sadly, Gaga had a future ahead of her, filled with many more bullied teens and young adult fans who would take their own life.  


Back during the early TF days, Gaga hadn't experienced everyone suing her, even some of her close friends. She still believed in loyalty and that people were in this whole deal for the same reasons she was. She was idealistic and unrealistic.


Gaga had yet to experience the heartbreak of people she respected and loved betraying her and turning on her in her darkest hours. Gaga hadn't come CLOSE to feeling how the media could attack and tear a person apart and watching her own fans (the ones she had just broken her hip for) do the same, when she needed them most.


A lot of serious and life altering events can happen to a person in a five or six year period, especially someone like Gaga, who went from being an unknown to a household name. (and a media punching bag) She's a different person than she was five or six years ago, because a lot of **** has happened in that time period.

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Wait.... So you want her to be doing the same thing for years on end, just because you enjoy it?  :flop:



And didn't part of her decline come from those crazy customs and ****? People were tired of that, people ARE tired of that (just read the comments when an article talks about her new crazy outfit or wig).

That's why Rihanna became the biggest popstar, because she acted "normal" while Gaga went "crazy" with those horns and stuff.

If Gaga's current image would have followed TFM, I think she would have been in a better position now. But maybe I'm wrong.

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I think the Gaga many learned to love started to fall apart as most of her team left her. Everyone put a bit of their own energy into Gaga and made her to what she was. It's not that she is destroying that image, it's just that she can't keep it up anymore, now that she is the only one from the old team left alone, so we get to see the "real" her, or what she want us to believe is the real her.

I personally loved and miss the mysterious Gaga so f.cking much. It was my escape, escape from the boring world full with problems. She was the Goddess of that world that allowed me to live as a free b---h inside it. It was a world where i could be as crazy as i want to be, to be gay as i want to be, to sing crazy lyrics and don't give a ****, where everything was possible. It was a truly beautiful world...

Now she is just becoming one of the many popstars out there.

This is exactly what I feel.

I think that she was creating such fantasy world because she needed it to fill her loneliness. Ever since she met Taylor there is no need to keep this lifestyle anymore.

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I get what you mean. But it is impossible to be mysterious all the time. If I were a celebrity like her I would keep my mysterious image on stage, switch to another characater from my private life, let the beast out and perform. Then in interviews and on Twitter updates, I would choose to be nice, normal and friendly.


It's like being bada$$ with a great personality. You act, you perform in front of cameras, you commit your crime,

but just when people thought you might go out of control,

you show them how smart you are in managing yourself.

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its prob because she is growing up.... shes gotten older since she began, obviously. when she started she was so excited to perform and be a rockstar if that makes sense and now shes finally being just herself... and is in a happy relationship and is finally taking the time to relax between work, not working nonstop like she used to.

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I personally loved and miss the mysterious Gaga so f.cking much. It was my escape, escape from the boring world full with problems. She was the Goddess of that world that allowed me to live as a free b---h inside it. It was a world where i could be as crazy as i want to be, to be gay as i want to be, to sing crazy lyrics and don't give a ****, where everything was possible. It was a truly beautiful world...


Now she is just becoming one of the many popstars out there.


That's not fair tho, that's your fault, You gave her too much responsability that she never asked for. Even back in the days she was "just a popstar". Better and more interesting than anyone else? Yes, but still just a popstar.

You can still find a world where you can be as crazy as you want to be or as free as you want to be, you don't need a popstar to do that. 

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You guys are making some weird conspiracy theories like "now that shes found love she can no longer be interesting" and "she is no longer interested and being lazy"


Let's take a step back--


She fired her manager Troy Carter as ARTPOP was being released. Most of her former team has left including key stylists. She was in a nasty internet feud with a former "best friend" (who to this day will not shut up about her, and spreads negativity about her on a daily basis) , the BTW era left her depressed not only because her hip injury meant a lot of cancelled shows, but because people were making her this super-villian b---h that no one likes or takes seriously anymore and I think it REALLY got to her.


Now lets forward to the present-


She is in a steady loving healthy relationship, she has a new best friend who wont back stab her in the form of a puppy, she is releasing an album with a legend and one of her idols (and lets be honest, she was born to do jazz even if its not your cup of tea)


She is starting to get back on track, the constant negativity and finger pointing sucks. I get defensive about it because its LADY GAGA. She is an amazing performer, a humanitarian who cares about PEOPLE, a creative genius, and a friend to all her fans.


She's had it rough lately, it'll take her a minute- but she can (and will, believe me) come back swinging.

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TF Gaga actually turned me off. Where some of you saw mysterious I saw someone who was aloof, rude, and superficial. No way could I be a fan of someone who would say "I'm just a pop star I don't care about politics". Thankfully she proved the lie to that statement. When her humanity started coming out I became a fan.



I agree with this. I can´t relate to anyone who doesn´t let other people in. And she also needed to let people in to get some of her music or more: get attached to it and to her. Also you can´t keep doing interviews for 8 years and just pretending to be someone you´re not. It´s just exhausting.

I have never seen her as happy as she is now and I just want her to be herself and be happy. And all the while she is helping people all over the world to be themselves because her story is one to look up to. If I would have still been in high school while Born this way came out her music would have saved me in a lot of different ways. And that´s what she wants to do, she doesn´t just wants to be Gaga and shocking, that is part of it but she wants to make a difference in people´s lives and in the world and for that you gotta be an actual human being, not a fake character.

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