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artRAVE in N. America: Time to Reflect


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if only she came to ****ing st louis missouri :cry:

I know. I had to road trip to Dallas to see the b---h. She even skipped the Tulsa date which was never ****ig rescheduled from BTWB!

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she forgot there was another country in North America so that i'll never forget    :crossed:



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considering i didnt get to go to the shows. i dont have any. but watching youtube videos. i looks beyond amazing.

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The St. Paul and Summerfest shows :legend: So many GGD people!


And our hugeeee group sign that Nick, Kayla, and I attempted to stretch across the arena in St. Paul :lmao:

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Changed my f*cking life. Every time I see her I feel more liberated. I want to relive it all over again. Her shows have touched my soul in a way I never thought possible. Saturday was my last night seeing her on this tour and I'm super sad. I've had a really rough year and looking forward to her shows and then attending them has got me through my darkest moments

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Being at the first show and finally seeing her live for the first time with a group of friends that love and enjoy her like I do, that feeling was unforgettable. :)

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I think it's great she went to America first because of the cancelled BTWB shows

Anyway, I love the artrave and can't wait for it to come here

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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The fact that it was my first Gaga show to ever attend was the best memory for me  :legend:


But other than that, getting to see her perform just feet away from me for almost two hours was unreal, and the atmosphere of the whole tour is absolutely amazing. I'd give anything to get to experience it again.

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I had such an unbelievable time. I went to BTWB last year, and it was my first time ever seeing Gaga live, I was such an emotional wreck that night. The artRave was something totally different from BTWB. It felt like I was at this huge party and they only played Gaga music. The lights, the production, the vocals, the music, the performance, the fog machines, the confetti, the lazers, the runways, EVERYTHING was amazing. The artRave is easily the best concert i've ever attended. BTWB will always have a special place in my heart, but artRave will always be considered the best party i've ever been to. Until next time Gaga!

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