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PHOTO: Gaga is up to something with her manager Bobby


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but maybe  is gipsy remix with sam smith and brooke candy xDDD it seem like they like each other (boy can dream xDD)

Would that even sound good?

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Would that even sound good?

idk i am just dreaming xDDDDDDD

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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Anything goes, not so when you are plannin' away......

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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CTC is just a month away. At least a first week promo lineup for it is bound to happen. It'd be a treat if they're already planning something for 2015. 

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Planning on a Thanksgiving special to promote C2C because apparently that's the most ground-breaking form of promo!

I really hope this is for the next pop album, but I'm sure it isn't.


The ABC is well known for it's quality when it comes to live music acts :shrug:

Born This Way moved from 72 to 21 in her first Thanksgiving special with them. It's not ground-breaking but it's good promo....


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Ya know, @bobby_campbell my manager! Plannin' away it's the best time of the year.


Worst time of the year is when things doesn't go as planned :toofloppy:

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I like this picture. Looks like they're sneaking off through the back of a building to go on some super secret mission and plan something that no one knows about. 

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