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Several Video Requests


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Hi, I have several video requests, and instead of making a separate thread for each request, I will just make one thread for all of them :flop:



Marry The Night (First leaked version):

This was the version that leaked before the official video release, it had a couple deleted scenes. I need this in the best quality we have please!



The version with the horse scenes in the best quality we have.


Any Directors Cut video we have


Transmission Gagavision #12, #20-28, #30, #33-35, #37-40:

These are no longer available on Gaga's youtube channel so I can't rip them in HQ from her channel :giveup: Does anyone happen to have HQ rips of these videos from when they were available?


The Monster Ball 1.0 and The Fame Ball DVDs by Faysalaaa:

I absolutely cannot find these anywhere anymore. I know that one of you must have downloaded these DVDs, so if you could please upload them for me, it would be amazing <3 


**** Fashion Interlude:

I would also like this in the best quality that we have, and I don't recall if we have it with the original audio or not, it doesn't really matter.


I hope that I am not asking that much, haha, but if you have any of these things, please upload them. Even if you aren't sure about the quality, please upload it anyway! Thanks in advance :hug:










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Oh my gosh, thank you so much! You're amazing!

Do you happen to have anymore 'Directors Cuts'?

This! ^^ 

MTN (leaked version)



Paparazzi (horse version)



All gagavisions in one file



Oh, and thank you Reno, this was also very helpful for me!, love your site by the way!!!!  :worship:

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