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Lady Gaga to perform in Atlanta (Microsoft Private Event)


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No, but I'm not a jealous and spiteful b---h because I don't get to meet Gaga as much as he does. Which I could speak for all of us doe. :later:

I usually agree with you but y'all judge him based on stuff you heard from bitter fans who don't meet Gaga as much.

No I judge him based on his OWN actions :laughga: He says and does incredibly arrogant and dickish things constantly and has no sense of modesty.


Are people jealous that he meets Gaga a lot? Sure. I'm not one of them though :shrug: Calling people who are jealous "spiteful b---hes" is not any better than the people in this thread who just happen to dislike him.

Edited by ASipOfVENUS
私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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There is a HEAVY police presence around Centennial Park!

artRAVE • Cheek To Cheek: LIVE! • Dive Bar Tour • Joanne World Tour • ENIGMA • The Chromatica Ball
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This doesn't ad up with the real stage they have..


that's the conference stage! Gaga will perform at a park outdoors.

Kindness rules all.
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What is she gonna perform ?

well she is using artRAVE castle so posibly songs from artRAVE but i hope she uses some new costumes

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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when does it start?

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this hasn't happened in a looong time :legend:

wish ya good fortune in tha wars 2 come
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when does it start?

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this hasn't happened in a looong time :legend:


in 2 hours and 15 mins

I have a question. Why?


it's a private Microsoft event so...there's no real reason besides them wanting her there

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I have a question. Why?

well they probably just asked her or maybe she will new face of microsoft

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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