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Katy Perry: "This Is How We Do is a certified club banger"


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When a Katy Perry song hits the top 10, an ARTPOPist jumps from a cliff :/

Only 3 of her singles have never hit the top 10.

Just like Gaga


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Only 3 of her singles have never hit the top 10.

Just like Gaga


But, who is the real Icon of Pop Music? :)

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I hope it becomes a club banger :flutter: I know I'd run straight to the dancefloor if it came on :excited2:

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Becky G

Wait are you serious? I was just joking :toofunny:

Filthy Brushes... Conjunctivitis...
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Club banger, my foot. It's the sort of cringey song that would make people desert the dancefloor. Her team have made lot of really bad choices this era. Its just been one long year of bad single choices and bad music videos. They thought a jungle theme would be perfect for the Roar video - but then it got lots of criticism for being too cringey and childish. They thought she could pull off a middle-of-the-road love ballad - it flopped, despite huge promotion. They thought her Dark Horse video would be considered absolutely delightful and funny - it drew controversy, scathing reviews and is her most disliked video to date. They thought Birthday would be a huge summer smash - it was one of her biggest flops ever and couldn't even got top ten in the US despite how radio loves her and she sent all the major stations personalised cake. Similarly, the video left a lot of people feeling awkward and weirded out. Now, once again, they are choosing one of the worst songs on the album for the next single with an equally horrible video, by the sounds of it. It's also weird that she's releasing it when there's only one month of summer left - this is the type of song that was designed to be played all summer and not everywhere in the world has sunshine all year round. Especially in the US, songs can take a long time to become hits, so it'll be past summer by the time it really catches on.


It'll be interesting to see how radio reacts to her after the floppage of Birthday. Because a lot of other artists, when just one of their singles flop, radio is very reluctant to support them afterwards and it takes a lot to make them regain their trust in you. It's something Gaga's currently going through. It annoys me how radio supports Katy no matter what. They supported her after Unconditionally flopped, but now she's flopped again, they may be more tentative. They tried their best to shove Birthday down our throats but we just weren't having it. Maybe they'll let us make our own minds up with this next one, then, seeing how we disobeyed what they wanted us to do and have shown that we can think for ourselves.

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Maybe if she changed that horrible bridge. :manicure:


Just the bridge? I'm sorry but this song is terrible. Straight up. The entire thing from the verses to the chorus.




I didn't like Roar but its popularity made sense, same for Dark Horse.

Didn't care for Birthday but it was catchy.

Unconditionally was 100% bland but it wasn't unheard of.

But this song? This is straight up bad. If this song is popular I think itll be a testament to peoples stupidity and lack of personal taste. Because they clearly just eat up whatevers fed to them. I really do think its that bad. Im surprised shes releasing it and more importantly im appalled at the fact that anyone even likes it thats above the age of 9.

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Kenon Astro

TBH the only hits I see left on the record are Walking On Air and Legendary Lovers

"the only left" ? that would in total give her 7 singles already :omfgaga:

meanwhile for Gags........

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