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The ARTPOP Documentary STILL in work


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Still in work, come on guys!! 


Another betrayal to the list  :dies:  :dies:  :dies:

Inb4 the documentary is a three minute long gagavision



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The only source I'll take really seriously would be Gaga's team or Gaga herself. But even if they do confirm this, there's no absolute certainty this would, once finished, actually see the light of day. A lot of promises, enticing statements this era were made, whether it's from a third party source or from her camp herself. And only a handful of them came into fruition. It's exhausting.

These trying times.

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Cody Draco

I'm not getting my hopes up. I'll believe it when I see it.

Same, I'm over getting my hopes up when it comes to Gaga projects. :smh:

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