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Daily Mail Praises Gaga's weight gain "curvaceous"


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Can you believe theres still stans who wish for this:






That hot af too tho

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at least its positive i guess. her weight fluctuates all the time so its not really something that bothers me

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Can you believe theres still stans who wish for this:







Gaga looks amazing now, and she looked amazing during TFM. I never thought she looked sick or unhealthy during TFM era though. I think people probably thought she looked really skinny during TFM era because she was slightly curvier during TF era she began her career. Either way, she always looks gorgeous. 

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FatGa, ThinGa, its the Ga that matters, little meltdowners...

But since everyone's posting his op on this matter, what the hell, might as well say that she looks like a normal and really healthy human being now, and that's not even 'fat', sons. This is what is called Normal, but with the skinny obsessions going on nowadays anyone that is thicker than a skeleton is considered fat, sadly.

it wasn't laaaahv
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Gaga is not remotely fat and is not even "normal" if you look around, she's thin. She looks great. And it she is comfortable in her clothing who are we to tell her otherwise? That's just buying into the bs fashion and media industry standards. The fashion industry doesn't dress women they dress androgynous 6 foot 100 pound walking mannequins.

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I find thin women to be more attractive, but unfortunately most girls I know get there by unhealthy ways and not through exercise + a healthy nutrition.

Anyway, I like Gaga because of her art and personality, not her looks. Don't get me wrong, she's freaking beautiful, but I couldn't care less if she's curvy or not. As long as she feels good, anyone's opinion doesn't matter :pawsup:

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A lot of people seem to think that all of our bodies work the same exact way. Not everyone is lucky enough to be a 17 year old guy with a raging metabolism who can eat 3000 calories a day and not think twice about weight gain. If everyone had fast metabolisms we wouldn't be encountering an obesity epidemic. Most people, especially women who naturally have a higher body fat percentage than men,need to work very hard to attain and maintain a slim and fit physic. Its a constant battle because your body will always try to go back to its natural default. So, why can't we all just be easier on ourselves and others? Why do we expect Gaga to have this perfect body? Why are we disappointed and dissatisfied with our own bodies for not measuring up to the standard of beauty?

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Gosh, this thread shows why so many girls & young women have eating disorders...  :smh:  Can we please stop being so judgemental about appearance?!!! Everyone has certain preferences but it's not like it's Gaga's job to have a particular body shape so she can please someone. 

Personally, I love the way she looks right now. And that belly! I'm crazy about it. She is so cute and looks so fluffy. Almost every picture from the artRAVE  makes me wanna hug her.  :giveup:  And of course that seashell bikini outfit during Venus..... FLAWLESS lady-gaga-itunes-camden-performance.png


I just forget for a moment that I'm gay... :heat: 

For all the people that judge appearance..Try and do something with your lives....   :kisses:  :kissga:  

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Why am I not shocked by half the **** I'm reading here :smh:

She looks fabulous..if she's fat I must be obese.

Lets go take a howl at that moon🌙 -Crowley
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She has such a great figure. Very, very curvy, and EVERY guy I've met tells me that's what they like. 


The "fat" comments don't bug me that much honestly, I'm so used to hearing that for any female celebrity over a size 2 (I'd love to see the pants and dress sizes of her detractors). What get's me is the people saying she's had too much facial surgery or has saggy boobs/stretch marks. Where? Every pic I have seen of her she looks great. Her skin is usually glowing, she has nice, soft features. I think she looks very natural and healthy. And she has such a lovely face. Sometimes her make up isn't flattering, but naturally she has some very enviable features. 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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Sexy :queenga:

( But wasn't it the Daily Mail who was calling her fat for having the exact same figure during the BTWB? :huh: )

Yes, it was the DM who stirred the post with that one!

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I like Gaga because of her art and personality, not her looks. Don't get me wrong, she's freaking beautiful, but I couldn't care less if she's curvy or not. As long as she feels good, anyone's opinion doesn't matter :pawsup:


Love Trumps Hate
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