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Lady Gaga inspires pro life Hillary Clinton protestor


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Just like pro-lifers, I believe in fighting for the child...who is forced to have a baby at age 14 and told that adoption is the most efficient option

Even though she doesn't have the resources to provide for her baby, she should bring this life into this world and send it into the corrupted foster care system, which is already overpopulated.

And of course people will pull the "she shouldn't have had s-x" argument, because it was totally her fault. Yet she has take to take all the responsibility while her male partner owes what, 30% child support that he can easily ignore?

It comes down to women and perception of women.

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MORE support for young women who want to keep their babies would be a good start. There's definitely not enough options for poor, terrified young girls pressured into back street abortion clinics that will endanger their physical and mental health. Teenage pregnancy is still treated with such stigma and while it obviously shouldn't be encouraged, they need to stop telling girls that their lives will be over and abortion is the only option if they don't want to live in poverty for the rest of their lives.

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Cody Draco

Animals also can't decide, but they are killed daily. They are tortured enormously and no one ever asked what they really want and feel. No one ever let them decide. The hipocricy of people makes me so angry. Why is a ''bundle of cells'' in the uterus is more valuable than a fully grown animal???? 


This. :runhug:

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Wow the woman with the Gaga shirt is so ignorant and her arguments were really weak and the other woman was right, if she is passionate about what she's fighting, there are far more positive ways for her to enforce it than what she was doing.

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I think abortion should only be allowed in certain situations, rape, incest, or the mother is dying. Once there is brain activity, I am staunchly against it. Any other scenario, it's just a form of eugenics and it's murder. Anyone who believes it's murder, in their heart, has a right to speak out. The blonde women was upset because it's upsetting to see the results of abortion. You are forced to see the gore and death created because of a choice you made. It's upsetting no matter whose side you are on.


This girl is coming from a pure place. She isn't bible thumping. She wants gay rights and wants abortion to stop. She is also a child that survived abortion yet you all say rotten things about her when you likely know nothing about her convictions or experiences. She wasn't being rude to that women. In America, we have a right to protest in the streets and people have a right to argue with those protestors.


What is so wrong about putting personal responsibility upon people? If you go out to the club and go skins with some guy in an bathroom stall and aren't smart enough to be on birth control or take the morning after pill, you shouldn't be allowed to murder a living being so you can go about your merry way. Those kind of abortions happen all too often. I'd need more than two hands to count how many women I know personally who have done that or something like it. Getting abortions became as meaningful to them as a dental appointment. It's disturbing.


It's hard to say, "to each his own", when you personal tax dollars are paying for some irresponsible women without a job to abort her baby. That takes away my choice.


We need better education for women on birth control and things like the morning after pill. The medical technology that exists today makes it so abortion is a barbaric and out of date thing that someday humanity will look back upon for what it is, a violent and emotionally harmful way of taking care of a complicated problem.


All women should have access to free birth control and morning after pills. We have the technology available to us to end this debate forever in America, but we have a government that thinks it's acceptable to let employers take our birth control options away and then we wonder why abortions become more common. This country is so ass backwards. I'm sick of it.

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The pro choice woman was making such a profound and important argument :legend::applause:


What if she felt it was her right to go out and hunt down her rapist and murder them? That is essentially her argument and she would end up in jail if she did that. She's only being confronted because the other person believes in her heart it's murder. If people can cry murder when we kill a sea mammal, then why not cry murder when we end an unborn baby's heart and brain activity? Neither are capable of making their own choice so why do we assign rights to certain animals but none to these babies? 


I want killing rapists made legal personally. If we can kill babies with brain activity, I want to kill murderers and rapists freely. Why do rapists get more rights than innocent unborn children? I think if a victim of rape is forced into killing her unborn child because of the mental anguish carrying it would cause, (I'd do the same), she should also get to kill the rapist for putting her in the position of having to choose abortion.


I don't understand how some things are murder and others aren't.

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I'm sorry, but the right to life doesn't give you the right to use someone else's body to sustain your life. Would you consider it murder to unplug someone who, against your will, hooked themselves up to your body because they needed to use your liver, or heart, or kidneys, to survive? They're human, right? They have a right to live right? So why can't they just use your body for nine months until their liver gets better and they can live in their own? The right to life and the issue of "it's human" has literally nothing to do with abortion. No human has the right to use a person's body against their will just to stay alive. Period. My right to my body outweighs your right to live.

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Obviously but if you don't kill him, he will have a life and he will be able to decide way more things in the future.


And I can see everybody coming for me now for being in favour of life but it's just my opinion, don't try to change it 

I get your point as well, but it is such a tricky situation. As a student of psychology and pedagogy I have to say that there are a lot of risks for the mother and child, where at the end none of them are happy and mentally healthy. And if child is given away for adoption, well I hope they have really good foster homes in USA.

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To be honest, I have no opinion on this. I don't think abortion is a good thing or a bad thing. Everyone has reasons.

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