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Lady Gaga inspires pro life Hillary Clinton protestor


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The only reason why I could possibly scare you is if you're not educated enough or don't want to think. You just compared using a condom to having an abortion like many other people do as well. I won't even comment on that, just think about it once again.


Why would a human need to be a fully evolved baby to be considered a human? A fetus is a bunch of cells and chromosomes, yeah, but so are you. You just have more cells, because all of the crucial information that biologically defines you as an unique human being is in those chromosomes.


I know how it sounds, but you should never be allowed to take someone's life, even when they make you suffer. And if you accept the fact that it's a human being you can't kill it either. The society should work against rape, on helping those women to raise their children or give them up for an adoption, on informing people on contraception and stuff like that.


Both are means to prevent. I dont see the difference between before the sperm has reached the egg and after. In case of abortions AND condom there was not meant to be a baby anyways.


A bunch of cells don't have emotions, they dont have needs, they are nothing but a biological process. You cannot equalise a pure biological process to a complete human being.


Yes lets inform rapists of contraception, I'm sure they all would have used a condom, damn if not only they forgot to buy one before they went out to force themself on an innocent woman. Society should work against rape yes but unfortunately rapists exists today and they will exist tomorrow and for as long as we humans are around. We should NEVER punish the victim. Forcing a woman to give birth to something she doesn't want to, forcing a woman to suffer through 9 months of pain is cruel. Why is a future life worth more than an existing one?

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What does Gaga have to do with abortion? Did I miss something?  :roll:

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We do. Cite: Vanity Fair 2012: "And how can you deny a woman the right to choose [whether or not] to have a child? It’s completely outrageous."


Great, that doesn't affect my comment

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:applause: some great points made here

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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Some cells aren't a HUMAN. A human is someone who has a brain that can think. An uterus isn't a human, is a bundle of cells

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I am sorry, i love how she is a Gaga fan and all, but in my opinion she is wrong.

If you take psychology classes in University, you will be informed that abortion is in fact a good option.

The baby inside anyone, does not have a brain, correct. But they do know if they are wanted or not. Pshychological studies show that fetuses do acknlowledge if their parents want them or not when unborn. When the parents give birth to an unwanted baby and treat him nicely in real life, he still will have pshychological problems in the future, it is a fact.

There are more proofs too but they deal with siblings and thus being off topic.

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Azor Ahai

Y'all dumb if you think abortion is unethical and should be illegal. :wtf:

Every woman has the right to do what she wants with her body even if that means not giving birth to a child she doesnt want for whatever reason. 

The chick is the Gaga shirt is beyond dumb ...

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Battle 4 Ur Life

She's a moron. Typical pro-lifer. Wants every possible baby to be born but doesn't care about those who can't support themselves. I'll bet she rants about welfare on her Facebook too.


this thread is a joke and the fact that it's in news makes it a bad one. someone lock this mess please. GGD isn't the place for this.

GAGA has absolutely nothing to do w this

Smash With a Smile
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My belief is that you should not be allowed to get an abortion after a certain trimester where the baby is starting to grow organs and have a heart beat. Get the abortion early on.

Adoption is always available also.

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And the person you're killing doesn't have a choice? You cannot decide for that person.


OT: The argurments of the girl were obviously really weak, the other woman defended her ideas amazingly good  :applause: 

That is simplified logic that ignores so many potential situations. The baby isn't even capable of perception until much later on.
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I rather think that the other woman is ignorant as well since she didn't listened to the protestor an gone. 

The protestor let her talk,but she didn't let the protestor talk.



I'm for abortion btw. 

New borns can't decide as well, so they should be killed when the parents don't want them?


Some disabled person also can't decide, should they be killed as well, when the parents don't want to care about them?

No, the pro-lifer was definitely ignorant. She used fear tactics to get her point across and couldn't defend herself in any way other than statistics, while the pro choice woman was able to address potential specific situations of people who make decisions about abortion.
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I was talking to these people outside of a Women's Health Clinic the other day.  Same results.  Got nowhere.  They also had a sign against gay marriage.  Like what does that have to do with Women's Health?  Anyway, I really got angry when the protesters started following the women after they left the building parading them with dead fetus pictures and such.  I have my opinion on abortion and so does my neighbor, but that was so uncalled for.

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