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Why Is It Hard For Some To Understand and Admit The Decline of Gaga?

Dangerous Man

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I think all things wax and wane like the ocean tides.... you can't be on top all the time.

She's doing great in the long term.

Madonna had similar waxes and wanes --- everyone does! it's just whether or not you HANG IN THERE that counts!

Don't sweat all this petty crap, guys.

Gaga is our generation's Michael Jackson.

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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If you've ever followed artists with careers that span decades, you know that there are high points and low points for EVERY artist. I've seen some artists come back from low points and some not. There isn't really a hard and fast rule here, and there is no way to predict what will happen 2...5...10 years from now.


One thing is for sure, it's too early to call the game as far as Gaga is concerned. There is way too much talent, vision, and ability in diverse areas within Gaga, to predict what will happen over the span of her career.  



In fact I think the reason people don't like to say she's in decline is because that's an incorrect way to view it. And also a really pessimistic and unncessary one.


Lady Gaga is a major mega-brand. People don't talk about her because she hasn't done anything big. Her music hasn't charted well lately, so obviously people will talk less. But the matter of fact is that EVERYBODY knows who Lady Gaga is, and how famous she is. That's not going to go away.

She's just having a low point sales-wise, which looks pretty nice to me for a career low-point, since she's earning money like crazy.


There is no "decline". because that's not the right word.

Oh, I'm just visiting-
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Gaga has been in decline since January 2011 when Born This Way came out. Born This Way was successful because of the huge amount of hype created by TF and TFM. Now that the hype is gone, there's nothing to push ARTPOP and it didn't do as well as any of her past albums. Unless she gets her act together, her next album will sell even less.

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When will this drama end?

Her sales are not as big as they were. But I never became a fan of her 'cause she had a #1 song or album or 'cause she slayed. I became a fan of her 'cause of the music and her personality. Still the same reason why I stan for her. 

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Because depending on who you ask, she's not declining. Some people prefer her now over her during TF era. Some people think ARTPOP is her best work. Some people understand that having a hit on the charts doesn't necessarily mean it's any good. It means nothing. Some people think artRAVE is her best tour. Her fame has certainly decayed a bit but as a person and as a musician/artist, some people think she's better. 

It's all preference though. 


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the only reason ppl call her a flop is bc ARTPOP didnt sell as much as her first 3 albums. it sold on par with katy and miley and everyone acts like theyre on top of the world lol its very silly actually. Yes she has declined some but is still more famous than 99% of anyone else. But she def seems happier and freer now so good for her...and i still am loving her music lol

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that is not the point of this thread.

the topic here are her denial fans.


Some fans are in denial about it as there are delusionals within every fanbase that hark back to the peak of whichever female gay pop icon they pathetically choose to live vicariously through. Its the same as Britney fans needlessly arguing that shes still a good performer or Madonna fans desperately trying to convince people that every flash of her bra is somehow socially important.


A lot of people here are not in denial about the fact that Gaga isn't as big as she was 5 years ago seeing as it is a constant topic of conversation lol really its exhausted beyond comprehension so your thread to me is a little puzzling. You're trying to address delusionals and its like why? Why do people take Gagas delusional fans so seriously when they normally disregard delusional members of other fanbases?


Besides, her "decline" has been a steady one, an expected one, and I really think that all goes without saying. Theres a myriad of reasons for this "decline" some of them being reasonable and others being because of nonsense, media politics, and contrived standoffish behavior from the demographic shes marketed towards.


I for one don't want to contribute to the exhausted discussion of her being on the lower end of popularity at the moment because I don't want to perpetuate the conversation and I don't think it needs to be perpetuated. I think everyone is already constantly bombarded with backhanded statements in regards to Gagas popularity and part of her downfall is that everyone keeps being persuaded that shes had one.

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Its not about discussing THIS topic, its about stop being held back by this whole tired and bored ass topic that is "gaga's a flop" vs "gaga's not a flop" topic. If we all agree on one point, then that's one HUGE step of moving on to better topics, in a way.


Why do we all have to agree on this? Yes it's her "least successful" era, but to many (myself included) her work has been as strong as ever and her standing with the GP doesn't really matter.


Either way, it's not really our place to worry about her chart relevance, she has a team of people who are paid to help her do just that.

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Why do we all have to agree on this? Yes it's her "least successful" era, but to many (myself included) her work has been as strong as ever and her standing with the GP doesn't really matter.


Either way, it's not really our place to worry about her chart relevance, she has a team of people who are paid to help her do just that.

*We have to agree on this because its the truth.

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We have to agree on this because its the truth.


My question is why does every fan need to even acknowledge it? What purpose does it serve, and how does it support the work she has given us?

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Well, sure, but how does that make for a good discussion topic? :rip:


There's nothing we can say.


My question is why does every fan need to even acknowledge it? What purpose does it serve, and how does it support the work she has given us?

Same here

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My question is why does every fan need to even acknowledge it? What purpose does it serve, and how does it support the work she has given us?


I'm not forcing this fact on anyone, I'm just saying, if you're going to address this topic, or discuss charts, you do need to acknowledge it.




Its not that fans have to shout it from the roof top "GAGAS NO LONGER AS SUCCESSFUL AS SHE USED TO BE" its just that they don't need to try to deny it all the time like its their job.

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Lol I have no time to go through all these pages of The Fame Monsterstans bashing ARTPOP, Gaga and the era (it's obvious it's gonna go like that from the first 2 pages I read). :usrs:

Anyway... I think a lot of us can accept Gaga has declined. No biggy. Every legend does. But a better question is...

Why do some fans make Gaga's COMMERCIAL (not musical) delince a bigger deal than it actually is? :smh:

Sure Gaga has declined. But some people actually think Gaga isn't big anymore and that Gaga is soon to fade away :lmao:.

She isn't going anywhere fast. Everybody has these days... And every legend has these eras.

♢ Social Justice Enthusiast ♢
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I think that she as an persona is still valued, but her artistry is not as 'hot' as it used to be for GP. So I guess that big chunk of her sales and tour sales are based on her past success.

She's had 2 successful eras and 2 downfall ones already so maybe the next one will represent some kind of recovery from the reached low point. Like a business cycle.

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I'm not forcing this fact on anyone, I'm just saying, if you're going to address this topic, or discuss charts, you do need to acknowledge it.




Its not that fans have to shout it from the roof top "GAGAS NO LONGER AS SUCCESSFUL AS SHE USED TO BE" its just that they don't need to try to deny it all the time like its their job.


It just doesn't make sense to me. We, as devoted fans who already give her our money whenever we can, can't do anything about her standing with the GP. The only people in this situation who do need to step it up are those who claim to be fans who haven't purchased tickets to the artRave and/or purchased the album.

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