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RQ : Instrumentals and Acapellas album covers

Azor Ahai

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Azor Ahai


So I need to have a cover with Gaga that says "instrumentals" and another one with "Acapellas".

I've searched google and I've only found covers with "fame monster instrumentals" or "ARTPOP acapellas" but I need one for all of the instrumentals and acapellas .

Does anyone have anything like this or could make one for me ?  :hug:

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So I need to have a cover with Gaga that says "instrumentals" and another one with "Acapellas".

I've searched google and I've only found covers with "fame monster instrumentals" or "ARTPOP acapellas" but I need one for all of the instrumentals and acapellas .

Does anyone have anything like this or could make one for me ?  :hug:

Search on Coverlandia.net !

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I can make one :awesome:

What pictures you'd like?

I like dancin', and ponies....
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Azor Ahai

I can make one :awesome:

What pictures you'd like?

Omg thank you! :hug:


Anything really! As long as gaga is in the pic! 

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Teri Hatcher


So I need to have a cover with Gaga that says "instrumentals" and another one with "Acapellas".

I've searched google and I've only found covers with "fame monster instrumentals" or "ARTPOP acapellas" but I need one for all of the instrumentals and acapellas .

Does anyone have anything like this or could make one for me ?  :hug:


Is that you in your DP?

By the time you reach the end of this sentence, it'll be too late to realize I just wasted your time with a pointless sig.
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Teri Hatcher

hm? :huh:


By the time you reach the end of this sentence, it'll be too late to realize I just wasted your time with a pointless sig.
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Teri Hatcher

What is a DP? :sweat:


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By the time you reach the end of this sentence, it'll be too late to realize I just wasted your time with a pointless sig.
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Azor Ahai

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Oh why won't you say profile picture :sweat:

 It's the drummer of One Direction , Josh Devine :)

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