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*DL/Listen - Applause (Demo/Early Cut)*


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Since so many people have been posting and asking about the early version of "Applause" (Demo in a way),


I created a DL for you guys. This version of Applause was the first one that was released/leaked(only a few


people had it when it leaked in full) It has a more explosive/loud chorus, certain pitches are slightly different, it is 


missing the oohs in the bridge, her vocals seem to be more... robotic?


and some beats are missing compared to the final. 


So yeah :hug:


This is the only quality I saved it in back when it leaked, sorry! 





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Dr Rogoe

The demo I have now is identical to the final version.... The only different is there isnt that high pitch ooh ooooh in the bridge

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Pretty sure this isn't the demo they're referring to.

People have been asking about the original one with slight changes, not the other one sweetie. 

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m e s s this isnt the early version of applause


I remember hearing this version first thanks for posting.

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m e s s this isnt the early version of applause



Did you read the goddamn OP? Open your eyes thanks :wtf:

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