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Brooklyn Nights (Dirty Pop Deconstruction Mix) (mixes?) by Drew G


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I briefly spoke with Drew G (Dirty Pop) (remember his works with Brian Cua?)

on Soundcloud today and he told me he couldn't release his Brooklyn Nights Dirty Pop Deconstruction Remix set I'd asked him for.

Which was a bummer because apparently there's a Version 1 floating around or wrapped up safe in Drew G's files...

Anyway, after he replied to me that he couldn't release it, the one version he had of it on his SC disappeared completely.

Thank God I had the presence of mind (insanity!) to download it when it WAS online on his sound cloud a few months back.(this is Version 2, mind you, I never saw Version 1)

This of course left me perplexed...

Why should he decided to hide what was once public?


But, I have a TOOL at my command -- thank you, Google Chrome!

Thanks to Chrome, I could prove the Vers.2 existed:


And I could then search for more.

Dirrrty remixes claims to have Vers.1, but the file sizes are precisely the same:


I've DL'ed them both for you to enjoy :)


Brooklyn Nights (Dirty Pop Deconstruction Version 2) circa 3-21-2014

Brooklyn Nights (Dirty Pop Deconstruction Version 1 Supposed)



Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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is amazing  :saira:  ty so much  :nooo:

the scars on my mind are on replay.
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