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Which is more iconic? Monster Ball backdrops or artRave backdrops


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do people just say TMB as a reflex? 


while the interludes may have been better, the artRAVE has better backdrops by far! 

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Everyone will say MB since its been around longer, duh.


Which is more iconic; the BTWB stage or the MB stage? A more fair question.

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Neither are "iconic" because neither are known by the average person on the streets. In order for something to be iconic it needs to have some significance in pop culture - The Monster Ball itself is kinda iconic - but it's interludes alone? No. artRAVE has only done about a dozen shows so nothing about it is iconic at this point and you can't make that call until further down the line.

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Tell mi PLS what  ARTrave is this :excited2:


WHO r u? Where have you been. Look it up. :reductive:

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Can you stop using the word iconic for gods sake. -eyeroll- The monster ball

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I love the Monster Ball backdrops, but I do like afew of the artRAVE ones..

artRAVE • Cheek To Cheek: LIVE! • Dive Bar Tour • Joanne World Tour • ENIGMA • The Chromatica Ball
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Rivington St

The Monster Ball ones, of course. The artRave's looks like the Windows 98 screensavers.

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Monster Ball>>>>>>>>>

But at least we have backdrops again... I honestly hated the BTWB because of the lack of them!

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Can you stop using the word iconic for gods sake. -eyeroll- The monster ball

This is the first time I used iconic in this forum. :awkney: Look it up.

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I feel like people are confusing interludes with backdrops. The artRave backdrops have so much more going on in them than the MB ones did. MB had better interludes of course, but the artRave backdrops are really fun.

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backdrops? artRAVE definitely, Monster Ball didn't have any great backdrops, Money Honey backdrop was only really the good one. The rest were quite basic. 


EDIT: I think people are getting backdrops and interludes mixed up in this thread :toofloppy:

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