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Mechanical Horses - Gaga Shades Katy

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someone has to speak up at last. They have been bullying her by demoting her and not giving her props for things she has achieved. Well done, I love people who are not afraid to say their opinion. 

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Damnn Gaga unexpected move....


Gettin b---hy I see, too bad her era is a mess and Katy's is on point with everything...  :toofunny:

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someone has to speak up at last. They have been bullying her by demoting her and not giving her props for things she has achieved. Well done, I love people who are not afraid to say their opinion. 


To my knowledge Katy Perry has never in any way said anything to Gaga that could be deemed as bullying, so why is Gaga's action aimed at her? 

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Kinda goes against everything she has said about promoting online kindness. She's right, but she should have just said nothing.

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How hypocritical...

First attacking your fans on twitter for having names like Gagaslaysyourfavs and now she acts like a bratty teen herself.

So unnecessary.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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"I just think it's very unfair of anyone to pit another woman against another woman, especially in the space of music, when we're all just trying to be taken seriously at all as females," Gaga told Andy Cohen in September




Yeah, I wish she hadn't but whatever. It is what it is.

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What did she mean then? Honestly, Gaga knew exactly what she was doing when she tweeted this.


I think she meant it as a joke, hoping that people would see the darker comedy side of it. But either way, shade or not, I agree with you; I don't think she should have tweeted it. If you want to play the b---hy, calling-people-out role on twitter, that's fine, but don't try to start movements beforehand trying to promote online kindness, attempting to vanquish the exact same attitude you are going to use yourself - It comes across as hypocritical. I remember her blocking and calling out fans who insulted other artists when they made comments about them copying her, and now she just mimicked them perfectly,

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Lady Gaga Updates â€@sirbizzlers  1m

@ladygaga bless my satanic vagina with your holy cum while i recite the bible in 20 languages as your pounding into me.


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Why is she doing this? She needs to stop. She's only contradicting herself with these shady comments.

Edited by Alvaro
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someone has to speak up at last. They have been bullying her by demoting her and not giving her props for things she has achieved. Well done, I love people who are not afraid to say their opinion.

I think that to certain degree the media is quite unfair to gaga. HOWEVER what gaga did, i think, won't help her. It might damage her even more. I think in the end, when the years pass and gaga's rise is decades away, people will realise who was the better artist. It always goes like this.

Right now gaga is the nerd kid trying to punch the popular jock. Eventually, in the end, the nerd will be the one to laugh when he's the boss and the jock is broke and jobless. But in high school the nerd will get beaten up. He needs to give it time.

I think this is a very similar scenario.

Oh, I'm just visiting-
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To my knowledge Katy Perry has never in any way said anything to Gaga that could be deemed as bullying, so why is Gaga's action aimed at her? 

"They" referring to the media and maybe Madonna. KP does it subconsciously, by following her team's ideas.  

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Damnn Gaga unexpected move....


Gettin b---hy I see, too bad her era is a mess and Katy's is on point with everything...  :toofunny:

On point with everything but ha singing ... :toofunny:

and coming up with original ideas :toofunny: Who knew that Gaga would be the next Katy Keene???

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