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Have you lost your enthusiasm for your artrave show?


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People are overreacting a little bit with only a few LQ videos aren't they?

It is the first show. BTWB was a mess on first show, this one is actually epic compared to the first BTWB.

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Absolutely not. Going this Saturday, and wild horses couldn't stop me from getting wasted and seeing my girl. :party:

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She used the piano loads of times wtf


It's a rave, I literally only expected the piano for the intro of Gypsy 


ARTPOP Zone was elevated


People could see wherever they stood because the runways are lucite!


Sell your tickets tbqfh, at least then they'll go to someone who actually appreciates a good show  :tea:

So there was a piano? Or just a keytar with some electric sounds?

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Lmao pathetic


You just couldn't write a goddamn normal sentence instead of saying someone is pathetic just because they didn't like the show. Grow the **** up.

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I'm sure I'm gonna have a great time because of the music and Gaga's voice, but It isn't what I was expecting it to be like at all.  I guess I've become accustomed to a more theatrical show from gaga after her more recent tours and performances. The lights look cool and all but the stage production and costumes can't compare to the past few tours. 

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You cannot compare the enjoyment you'll get from a show to some blaring and poorly recorded youtube videos, the live experience is totally different, something I'm sure will be the case with artRAVE.

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If any of you Toronto Little Judases have lost their enthusiasm, I'll gladly buy your ticket. My broke ass couldn't get one at the time and I want to go even more now :toofunny:

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I was losing so much enthousiasm when watching most of the songs. Then I got to PARTYNAUSEOUS and I was like YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH BIIIIITTTTTT***** SET DAT ARENA ON FIYAHHHHH



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I forgot I had tickets 


but no :awkney:

nah seriously I did kinda forget but it will be SO AMAZING WHEN I GO

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I have lost some enthusiasm, but to be completely honest I was not expecting The Best Tour Ever because this era as a whole has been plagued by disappointments - for me, at least. Still, I was sort of hoping that she would pull it together for tour - the stage was flawless and the TechHAUS creations she previewed at the Album Release artRave in New York suggested this show was going to be a breakthrough in music, fashion and technology: ARTPOP.


I think she got things wrong from the get-go, personally. ARTPOP is my favourite song on the album, but I don't like it as an opening number. It should logically be Aura, but Venus would also make a great opener. As a whole, I am very dissatisfied with the setlist. It's the basics, really: Aura should have opened, Applause should have closed. Songs of similar genres or messages should have been grouped together to allow the fashion and visuals to be coherent. It has no logical order and no storyline to tie it all together.   I know people are arguing that "IT'S A TOUR NOT A PLAY!!!", but this isn't any tour. Gaga is known for her stories and intricate shows and personally this just didn't deliver.


I thought the fashion was at some times great and at others terrible. Whilst none of the outfits were particularly 'bad', most of them were bland. Worst of all was the green wig and black latex combo, in my opinion, as it simply did not fit the songs - most notably 'Aura' (no mask? Really?) and 'Alejandro'. That said, I really loved the Koons Ball Harpy outfit for ARTPOP, the Rubber Tentacle Dress for Paparazzi, the Rave Girl outfit and the Gypsy Dress. These were all very interesting and 'ARTPOP'; a stark contrast to the blandness of other outfits she wore, which look like we've seen them a thousand times before.


I was also just generally disappointed with the shows content. There were few props (the chairs in Mary Jane Holland do not count). After all the rantings about technology this era, I was thoroughly disappointed with the lack of tech and props. However, the lighting was really, really good - I was very impressed with the decisions they made here. And the seashell/marijuana confetti was a cute touch, but not enough for me to be wowed. When you have seen Gaga battle a giant Fame Monster, transform into a motorcycle and glide around the stage like a ghost, it is certainly hard to be impressed by the content of the artRave. Perhaps this was most disappointing for Mary Jane Holland. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we really expected something amazing for this song, perhaps with an onstage transformation into 'her brunette'. Instead, we got a poorly-rehearsed routine with some chairs. I think the same goes for Swine; it should have been much earlier in the show and neither of the songs should have been cut down, if 'rave' is the vibe Gaga wants to capture.


So yes, whilst I have lost some enthusiasm for the show, I am sure I will still have a good time. I'll be with my best friend and we're staying in a hotel overnight, so it will be a cute adventure for us both. To exist in the moment with her for 'ARTPOP' (which is 'our song') will be really enjoyable, thought I sort of feel it will be hard to do this when we are caught up in the hype of the show starting. I really wish ARTPOP would be later in the show!


I am very fortunate in that I was able to go to Swinefest at the iTunes Festival, which was flawless, so I don't feel too hard-done by in that I still got to see an awesome show that met Gaga's high standards for this album. 


Please, ignore the haters in this thread. Everyone is entitled to have and share their opinions. 

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Thank you Tyler, you expressed all my thoughts in your long thought out post. Thanks for being polite. :)

I too agree that Aura should have been 1st and Applause last but I think Gaga thought that was too predictable.

When you have someone so amazing as Gaga performing a show you can't help but expect much better and bigger things. I like how you mentioned the motorbike, fame monster, etc. Its like this show is lacklustre compared to the previous ones.

I was looking forward to a theatrical show not just a dance party where Gaga happens to perform in some crazy outfits. I'm sure we will all still have a good time at our shows because its LADY GAGA!!! :)

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It's early days but I am a little disappointed, it's the setlist choices that seem a bit all over the place but I guess she'll re-vamp/iron those out as the tour goes on. It's a while till she comes to the UK so don't worry too much. I hope the backing track is lowered so we can hear her voice properly :legend:

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