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All of this Tidal thing comes down to this Facebook comment

Fame Romance

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Fame Romance


Translation: ''Briefly, as they'd say in South Park, for people who listen to free music, the poor ''artists'' won't be able to buy the 200 million dollars plane they want, instead, they'll have to settle with the one of 150 million. As well as Justin Bieber won't be able to buy his own private island. You, the ones who download and listen to free music, are monsters.''

Please someone give a grammy to the one who posted that.

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Don't really agree but whatever, not going to get into it again

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Not sure why people care so much about this. If you had a job and there was a way to make more money, wouldn't you want to do it?

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Ladey Gagz

Not sure why people care so much about this. If you had a job and there was a way to make more money, wouldn't you want to do it?


They have to work for free because their work gives them a lot of money? :confused:

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So… because they have money we should be entitled to their work for free?

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What about rising artists that aren't really rich? There are a lot of them out there.

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xoxo cupcakke

Yes, I am a monster. You can say I'm a Little Monster :teehee:

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damn dude you and the person that posted that are idiots. Only a SMALL HANDFUL of artists today make money. what about the smaller artists?

Don't you care about music? If you don't pay for it, there's not gonne be any.


I can't believe so many people here feel the same way you do. Artists don't get paid ****.

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I don't agree with their statement, but okay.

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Justin Bieber had nothing to do with the argument? Seems like he was just brought up as an emotional fallacy. 

That comment doesn't even deserve to be read.

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yawn. aint nobodys fault & business if people want/get music for free. you don't knoe anyones situation.... 

&stop judging... just rejoice for the people who are actually going to get TIDAL & pay all that money for quality you cant even tell the difference from, when they could just join spotify for less. 

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No Angel

I truly don't get it at all. They spend their time making the music, they deserve the money. Apparently Pharrell made less than $3,000 from Pandora's streams of "Happy," ​which was streamed 43M times. I don't get up and go to work for free, so why do they have to? I know they're millionaires, blah blah blah, but if you were told you don't deserve money for your work, you'd be a little pissed off, no?

That's like saying movies should be free. $0.00 tickets to see the next Hunger Games film or $0.00 on the latest Blu-Ray/DVD of Mockingjay, because they're rich so why should I pay? (And y'all know damn well some of you go to the movies all the time and basically spend $10+ on the tix and snacks). In theory that sounds very cool and I, myself, am cheap as hell, but that's pretty crazy to think you're entitled to something for free because the creators make more than you. (that sounds a little harsh, but no)

A few of the anti-Tidal people are mad because they think they're entitled to free music. If you want free music, illegally download it, cool. But don't get mad when the creators of your favorite stuff want money from what they make and start cracking down on it.  I'm not here for all the big businesses taking money all the time because i love supporting small businesses, but let's not pretend this TIDAL issue is the first of it's kind when you unknowingly (and knowingly) spend money on Apple/Samsung products and spend cash monthly on Netflix or HULU. 

People are also forgetting the base price of TIDAL is $10, not $20. But to each their own. If you don't want it, don't buy it. 


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