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Miley Album with the best track titles?

Smother Em Eh

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Smother Em Eh

Not including Hannah Montana tho because this is the albums under “Miley Cyrus”!




Couldnt find the real deluxe version one for BANGERZ so... replace “Why Don’t You Stand” with “My Darlin”

Fav Miley Album Title Tracks? 

(I do love CBT Tracklist tho)

I don’t know about you, but I’d say Dead Petz by far


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either CBT or Bangerz but Breakout has America Wake Up which is relevant today

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The Child

Can’t Be Tamed

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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Dead Petz

The most original and hilarious tracklist..

The rest are boring and generic

His fart felt like a kiss
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Smother Em Eh
23 minutes ago, River said:

Dead Petz

The most original and hilarious tracklist..

The rest are boring and generic

Can’t Be Tamed and Bangerz have some intriguing titles tho.

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Pop Music

Can't be tamed or breakout. Her best song is liberty walk tho.

Pop Music and Lady Gaga forever!
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