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Nicki Minaj: It's a great time to be a white rapper in America


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If she wants to be regarded as a role model and intelligent, then PLEASE spell WOMAN correctly. It's woMAN, not woMEN :madge:

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7 hours ago, A hunty said:

Can you stop, you're literally making a fool out of yourself. You've made statements that are wrong in the past few pages and you've been corrected by several people in this thread with the truth. 

No one's on your side so stfu.

I haven't made incorrect statements, I looked over them and verified them and its part of continuous research that I've been doing for the last few years. You just think they're wrong because you don't agree with them.

And I don't care if no one's on my side (clearly, by the likes I got, at least one person is), I'm all about posting the truth regardless. And there's no need to be rude.

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On 12/19/2017 at 7:25 PM, Stan Is My Name said:

You act as if I was defending black rappers who just copy what's popular to become famous, I never did so I don't know why you put words in my mouth.

Next, it's strongly implied that I meant this is the first time hiphop/rap has been popular in years. There's even articles stating that hiphop/rap is bigger now than it has ever been, simple google search is all you need.
As I've said before, I'm saying a trend could be beginning in which white people take over the hiphop/rap game which is alright but if it's done so by copying the style of black artists then that's what I'm not liking. So far, G Easy and Post Malone are trend followers of hiphop/rap and make bank. There's multiple black rappers who do the same and I'm not condoning that either.
Also, I didn't say anything about their music being underappreciated, I said some black rappers have their work go unnoticed but that was on a separate issue. Most art gets underappreciated anyways.

"If anything, we're culturally brainwashed into believing that a black rapper will be good because they're black."
Then why were half the artists in the top 10 white rappers? Speak for yourself. I will say yes there aren't as many white rappers but (I can't believe I have to reiterate this so many times) if they're crap like G Easy or Malone then yeah it's unfair they have their level of fame. NF for example, his work does sound original and like time and effort went into it. In his case, I'd say he deserves where he's at. 

By the way, I could call myself an amateur album reviewer as well. I'd say half the people here could be amateurs too but you don't have a degree or certificate in music, so don't act as if you're more "informed", what you said was neither profound nor prolific. Not trying to be rude but don't act high and mighty.

I will say Nicki's post is problematic because she generalized the whole thing, in that image there were good and bad black and white rappers there. But I suppose she didn't wanna pick people out as to not start beef with anyone in particular. I still agree with what she said though.



Edit: being rude

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17 minutes ago, Alexander Levi said:

This user has a lot of posts with a lot of FLUFF. And then when people say their posts are obnoxious they say “well at least I’m giving you an informed and thought out statement.”

An effective communicator does not need paragraphs upon paragraphs to make a point.

Its just FLUFF.

Wow, that's nice. Talking about me while I'm still around to read what's said, not even having the good grace to say it behind my back. I never intend to be obnoxious but informative. And I'm merely saying an opinion, just like everyone else. You don't have to degrade it by calling it fluff. I'm an educated university graduate who loves reading and writing. Pretty low of you to put down my intelligence like that. I guess showing intelligence just isn't cool, huh?

And for your information, you sometimes have to write a lot to make your point understood. Ever heard of having multiple points to make? If you make all of them, your point is more likely to be taken seriously. An effective communicator knows that they have to explain themselves in full to be understood. There are times to be concise and there are times to be extensive. Every time I see a post that degrades my way of writing, I always think of Miss Honey in Matilda when she says: "Don't sneer at educated people." If anything, I find your post to be obnoxious. The funny thing is, people like you who put me down for writing a lot are the same ones who praise others who post long essays as long as what they're saying is something they agree with. Apparently, intelligence should only be praised when it's being used to say something that fits with your point of view. It's hypocritical to the max.

And you chose to say this on Christmas Eve as well, just as I was about to switch off shortly and enjoy myself for the holidays. Classy. But lest I get too bitter on the holiday season, I'll just stop here. Let's hope that you improve your attitude for the new year. Merry Christmas.

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29 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Wow, that's nice. Talking about me while I'm still around to read what's said, not even having the good grace to say it behind my back. I never intend to be obnoxious but informative. And I'm merely saying an opinion, just like everyone else. You don't have to degrade it by calling it fluff. I'm an educated university graduate who loves reading and writing. Pretty low of you to put down my intelligence like that. I guess showing intelligence just isn't cool, huh?

And for your information, you sometimes have to write a lot to make your point understood. Ever heard of having multiple points to make? If you make all of them, your point is more likely to be taken seriously. An effective communicator knows that they have to explain themselves in full to be understood. There are times to be concise and there are times to be extensive. Every time I see a post that degrades my way of writing, I always think of Miss Honey in Matilda when she says: "Don't sneer at educated people." If anything, I find your post to be obnoxious. The funny thing is, people like you who put me down for writing a lot are the same ones who praise others who post long essays as long as what they're saying is something they agree with. Apparently, intelligence should only be praised when it's being used to say something that fits with your point of view. It's hypocritical to the max.

And you chose to say this on Christmas Eve as well, just as I was about to switch off shortly and enjoy myself for the holidays. Classy. But lest I get too bitter on the holiday season, I'll just stop here. Let's hope that you improve your attitude for the new year. Merry Christmas.


Edit: being rude

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2 minutes ago, Alexander Levi said:


Never said you aren’t smart but sometimes editing is useful to make your point clear.

And yes, people who are professors have told me this. Drawing out statements or repeating yourself in different ways does not make you more intelligent than someone who can make a point in a few sentences.

You taking that as offensive is not my fault 🤷🏻‍♂️ You would rather my talk about you behind your back? I don’t get it :sweat:


And wow, that's a really patronising thing to say, "editing's a usual tool." I always read over my posts to make sure I've not overstated things and I have removed stuff that went on a bit.

I never repeat myself, I say I different point with every paragraph and I illustrate with examples. Pardon me for just having a lot to say. I'm sick of people shaming me for speaking my mind. Everyone else is allowed to talk at length except me. The only time I think it's possible to go on too long is when someone is talking and talking and they're not even saying anything interesting or taking too long to get to the point. I make the time and effort to make sure my posts are interesting to read so people don't want to stop reading. I have even had non-English speakers say that they always find my posts a joy to read and admire my command of the English language. I think you should be aware that not all points can be made in a few sentences. For example, if you're too direct and too the point about something controversial, people think you're a close-minded bigot. Explanation is necessary in these cases and as I hang around a lot of threads where controversy breeds, well...

Actually, it is your fault. You should learn to be more polite. And yeah, at least what you say behind someone's back doesn't hurt them but to say it publicly, where everyone can see it and talk about them as if they're not around to read it when they clearly can is really confrontational, is borderline bullying and is how negative, unfair perceptions of users are passed around and easily believed.

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2 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:


And wow, that's a really patronising thing to say, "editing's a usual tool." I always read over my posts to make sure I've not overstated things and I have removed stuff that went on a bit.

I never repeat myself, I say I different point with every paragraph and I illustrate with examples. Pardon me for just having a lot to say. I'm sick of people shaming me for speaking my mind. Everyone else is allowed to talk at length except me. The only time I think it's possible to go on too long is when someone is talking and talking and they're not even saying anything interesting or taking too long to get to the point. I make the time and effort to make sure my posts are interesting to read so people don't want to stop reading. I have even had non-English speakers say that they always find my posts a joy to read and admire my command of the English language. I think you should be aware that not all points can be made in a few sentences. For example, if you're too direct and too the point about something controversial, people think you're a close-minded bigot. Explanation is necessary in these cases and as I hang around a lot of threads where controversy breeds, well...

Actually, it is your fault. You should learn to be more polite. And yeah, at least what you say behind someone's back doesn't hurt them but to say it publicly, where everyone can see it and talk about them as if they're not around to read it when they clearly can is really confrontational, is borderline bullying and is how negative, unfair perceptions of users are passed around and easily believed.

Anyway - I can tell you are a very opinionated person (which I am as well). 

You are right - I’m wrong in every way and you are right in every post you make.

Congratulations on being smarter, better, and an overall kinder person than me. 

Merry Christmas!

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3 minutes ago, Alexander Levi said:

Anyway - I can tell you are a very opinionated person (which I am as well). 

You are right - I’m wrong in every way and you are right in every post you make.

Congratulations on being smarter, better, and an overall kinder person than me. 

Merry Christmas!

I never said you're always wrong and I'm always right, neither did I say that I'm in any way better than you. I make a point of not saying that stuff and encourage others to do the same. Now who's being dramatic and putting words in my mouth? Less of the assumptions. And yep, I am opinionated. Why is it ok for you to be opinionated and not me?

Haha, your sarcasm couldn't be more sharper. Santa must have you on the naughty list tonight! In addition to being on my s**t list. Gotta say, this is the most scathing thing that has ever rounded off a Christmas Eve for me, congratulations! Hope you wake up to some coal in your stocking!


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3 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I never said you're always wrong and I'm always right, neither did I say that I'm in any way better than you. I make a point of not saying that stuff and encourage others to do the same. Now who's being dramatic and putting words in my mouth? Less of the assumptions. And yep, I am opinionated. Why is it ok for you to be opinionated and not me?

Haha, your sarcasm couldn't be more sharper. Santa must have you on the naughty list tonight! In addition to being on my s**t list. Gotta say, this is the most scathing thing that has ever rounded off a Christmas Eve for me, congratulations! Hope you wake up to some coal in your stocking!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Cobra Cruz
On 18. 12. 2017 at 8:44 AM, Alexander Levi said:

You know - maybe you should be ranting about this to the white supremacists rather than a rapper stating her opinion :huh:


On 18. 12. 2017 at 8:42 AM, Alexander Levi said:

This site hates her so much.

I swear - I could simply post the words “Nicki Minaj” and people would run their mouths.

She’s talented as **** but people are too blinded by their raging hate to see it.

Of course. White supremacist, white people are so ignorant, white people shouldn't even live, right ? Like really ? Nicki being a trash homophobic bitch and you're protecting her ? And talented as **** ? Are you deaf ? You and Nicki Minaj are just like most of the BLM activists, blaming white people for all the problems. I'm gonna puke. 

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