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How Candy Got Her Parts Back (AN ANCIENT FANFIC)


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A throwback to my weeab/Gaga crossover days, which weren't the prettiest thing in the world. I wrote this fanfic about Kandy (though at the time I wrote it as Candy because I was a flopfan). I wrote this as a contest entry where I could've won some seriously nice prizes.

However I thought about rewriting this and making a comic based off it. The basis of the fanfic is a continuance of the Kandy Warhol story.

Now, just so you know, this thing is awful. truly, dreadfully awful.


                                               Candy Got Her Parts Back

"My name is... My name is... Miss Candy Warhol." The blond replied to the male's earlier question, looking up at at him through the pink fishnet stocking that had been shoved around her head.

"No, your real name."The man pushed the yellow pistol against Candy's bleeding chest, forcing out more pink blood.

"I don't understand the question."Candy continued to look into the man's eyes, seeing the cold hearted monster he held.

"Then, goodbye, Candy. I knew you well."The man gave a crooked smile before pulling the trigger several times. The bullets shot into the female's heart, splattering pink blood all over the room of white.

  Candy fell to the floor, seemingly dead. The man stared at her limp and slender corpse, drowning in pink blood. He laughed. He laughed hard and loud. He laughed proudly, as if he did the world a favor by killing Candy Warhol. He turned, slowly strolling towards the lite gray door.

  The corpse let out a quiet murmur, then a loud pained moan. The man slowly turned, eyes large and wide in fear. He watched as the corpse slowly stood up.

"Wh-what the ****? What the hell are you. You're supposed to be dead!"The man screamed in confusion and anger.

"I have no heart, I have no brain, and I have no face. I've been dead since Pop took them all. Now..."Candy ripped off the pink fishnet pantyhose from her head."Now, I'm a monster, looking for them all."

  The metamorphosis began as soon as she ripped off the pantyhose. Near featherless wings sprouted from her back, nearly extending six feet  into the room. A black cross formed onto her forehead, right beneath her bangs. Her slender arms grew long, greasy, slick black feathers, her fingers turning into lengthy metallic pink talons. A raven black fur mane grew around her neck stopped right below her breasts. A mixture of feathers and fur began to replace her pants, stopping above her ankles where her feet began to transform into stiletto shaped talons.

The man stumbled back a few steps, frightened for his life."You monster! Abomination!" He held up the yellow gun, firing off several more rounds. A few hit but it didn't stop Candy from walking towards the man, a malicious gleam in her green eyes.

  Candy seemed to move so fast that the man didn't see her as she sprinted towards him, knocking his whole body against the wall, her talon hands wrapped around the man's neck. He didn't say a word. He didn't have time to. She had inserted her talons into his neck and began to scissor them, blood gushing out of the giant hole in his neck like the Niagara Falls. It didn't take long for the man to die. To die painfully, yet quickly.

  Candy smiled as she pulled out her talons, throwing off the blood of her victim. Her eyes transferred to the yellow pistol still held by the man. She easily wrestled it away from the dead corpse. She looked at it angrily, before crushing it into yellow bits and pieces within her palm. She allowed it to slowly fall from her hand, and let the blood to drop upon.


  Candy reflected on what had happened just only minutes ago. She stared at her hands before looking onward, at the stormy horizon of New York. She watched as lightning struck over city.

"Pop... I will find you tonight, then I will get my heart back, my brain, my face... Maybe even my identity."Candy said to the night sky, the horizon.

  The female stretched out her wings, the blackened, charred bone becoming evident. The talons she had wrapped around the pole on top of the building lingered for a few seconds as the wings flapped, lifting her off the ground. The blond removed her talons, her fearsome fierce body ascending into the sky. She was listening. Listening for her own heartbeats. Listening for her own thoughts. Listening for her own voice.

  Candy listened, and heard. She flew into the deeper parts of New York. The darker, dirty parts of New York. She landed in a dark alley beside some seedy little shops. She took a couple of steps out into the streets, her eyes landing on a man. A dark tanned man with semi-long spiked blond hair with black lowlights. His eyes were jade green, brothering the emeralds Candy owned. He was tall, slim and slender, but yet well toned. He wore a white and black alternating fishnet shirt, black leather pants, red leather boots and fingerless gloves that went up to his elbows. His grin was wicked and malevolent as he saw Candy.

"Candy, such a pleasure to see you again. What do you want me to eat this time?"The blond male asked, devilishly sauntering towards Candy.

Candy backed up a few steps, a mix of worry and rage upon her face."No. Don't even Pop. I'm sick of you and your LoveGame!"Candy yelled. more rage taking over her face as she took a confidant step forward."I want my heart back! I want my brain back! I want my face back! I WANT MY IDENTITY BACK POP!!"She continued to scream, more anger and wrath pulsing through her veins.

"Oh hoho, Candy... You're such a funny little girl."Pop began to pat his stomach with satisfaction."How can you get something that's been digested, you poor stupid little girl?"Pop smiled triumphantly.

"I know it hasn't been digested yet Pop..."Candy pointed with her claw-like hand."Because I can still here it beating. I can still her my own thoughts. I can still here my own voice."

"Fine you want them?"Pop held out his right hand, a red darkness forming within his palm until it materialized into a scythe with a blood colored death at the dangerous end. More of the darkness formed around his back, it materializing into one bloody crimson demon wing and one lite pink angel wing, reminiscent of pink mist. Long trails of scarlet ran from is eyes, forming some symbols. His eyes also transformed from jade to ruby. He smiled, also to have grown extremely large fangs."Come on Candy... let's dance if you remember the steps."

  Candy launched herself towards Pop, her legs leading the assault with a flying kick. Pop only smiled as he ascended into the sky, Candy's attack missing by a couple of feet. He chuckled as he saw Candy's angry face. The male dd a bring it on motion with his  free hand, antagonizing the female more. She took off into the sky, grabbing his feet as she did. Pop was surprised as he was dragged through the air. Candy reached her destination point high in the sky, she began spinning and she was spinning fast. Dizzying both herself and Pop, she threw him at a close  building, hoping he would go straight through it and hopefully several other buildings like it. Unfortunately, nothing happens like Candy hoped.

  Pop saw the oncoming building and used his scythe to catch a hold and spin himself back onto ground. He still had to grab his sense, though, from Candy's twirl 'n' throw. He held his head up for a brief second before Candy launched another attack. It was only by a second's fraction that Pop caught Candy's kick with his scythe.

"Is that all you got, Candy?"Pop asked, chuckling behind his malicious lips.

"Is that all you got, Pop?"Candy retaliated, grabbing the scythe, loosening her foot, bringing herself over her scythe and her stiletto talon to the top of Pop's head. He stumbled back as Candy regained her footing.

"You will pay for that, little girl."Pop muttered, standing on his own two feet.

"I like to see you try."Candy replied, standing confidently.

  Pop  screamed as he rushed towards her, scythe first. Candy did a back flip off the building, bringing the brawl back to the ground, or well, in air close to the ground.

"Haha, can't catch me now, Pop!"Candy taunted, a smile across her face. That smile didn't last for very long, as a ball of darkness flew by her face barely touching her platinum locks."What the ****?!"She questioned loudly, in astonishment. Pop was launching spheres of darkness at her."Oh, ****..."

  The female quickened her flying, as did Pop. He formed spheres of a crimson blood darkness in his left hand, his right holding his scythe. It all seemed to get worse as it went on. Candy couldn't fly forever, and he seemed to be getting more powerful by the minute. First he was only firing one or two balls of darkness at her. Now... Now he was launching large spheres that were right on her, and they could launch lasers that were nearly unavoidable, and Pop could launch hot pink waves from his scythe that seemed to be just pure power. It was just to much for Candy.

  Several of the spheres had hit her wings, so had many waves. The lasers had just made several large cuts and gashes across her body. Pink blood was exiting all the wounds and didn't seemed to be healing fast enough. She had to stop. She just had to stop.

  Candy quit flying, knowing her wings couldn't take another hit before blowing into bone dust and smithereens. She would just have to stay grounded. Pop rushed her again, firing off several more spheres while preparing his scythe. Candy barely rolled out of the way in time to block Pop's large scythe with one of clawed hands, the other trying to get a hold of Pop's neck, but Pop just preempted her move and blocked the hand.

"Tired out Candy?"Pop asked, pushing back Candy with his extreme force.

"I... I will never relent!"Candy screamed back, keeping herself from being pushed anymore.

  Pop smirked, little dark spheres crowding around and in the hand that he held back Candy with. Candy didn't look in time, for she was thrown back by the power of the dark sphere that was in the male's hand. She couldn't get up, that was how much power that was in that tiny burst. Her feathers were... darkened? Scorched? She couldn't tell. All she knew is that she was in pain.

  She was about to be in a lot more pain as Pop flew into the sky. He held out his scythe and it floated as he released his hold on it. The weapon began to rotate and revolve and twirl and spin as it hovered before him. Soon a globe began to form around it. A globe of darkness. Something deathly about this. It was pure black. Pops wings were going to pure black, as was his hair and his eyes. Pure evil darkness. The sphere was soon larger than any car, and probably more than most of New York's billboards. The large gloomy darkness was shot towards Candy, and it was heading towards her fast.

  The sphere hit the ground. It hit the ground hard. The sphere grinded into the ground, against Candy. When it dispersed there was large crater from where it had grinded into the ground, and Candy was right in the middle of it, with Pop's scythe digging into her abdomen. She moaned in pain and gasped for breath. Pop laughed proudly as he strolled down the walls of the crater, soon meeting Candy once again.

"It sure does look like I win, Candy."Pop smiled proudly, his hair turning back to it's original blond and his eyes returning to their jade.

"Is this... Where it really ends?..."Candy thought to herself. She gasped again as Pop removed the scythe from her torso and hovered it above her head.

"Goodbye, Candy."He held the scythe high above Candy, about to drop it upon her.

"Goodbye cruel world..."Candy sorrowfully said, closing her eyes. She laid  her talons on her wound where the scythe had landed.

  Just as Pop was bringing down his scythe, Candy's talon's began to glow and electricity began go through them. Pop paused  as he looking at the pink electricity.  He moved a small bit closer so he jade eyes could examine what was happening. That was his mistake. Hot, pink, electricity shot out from her abdomen and her talons, attacking Pop before he could kill Candy.

  Candy looked up from her position, seeing that she had shot down Pop with lightning. She slowly stood up, clicking her talons together deviously.

"It looks like this is finally a fair fight."Candy let out a devious chuckle. She pulled her arm back, pink, magenta, and fuchsia lightning shooting from the tips and hitting Pop as he tried to stand. The strands of electricity attacked him at his knees, his shoulders, and his heart. She sashayed closer, the lines of lightning getting stronger as she closed in on her prey. Soon, all the lines were focused around Pop's heart.

"Pop, you may have ate my heart, but you never had one of your own."Candy informed the male, pushing her electrocuting talons into his chest, grabbing his still beating heart and pulling it out, dark red blood falling into the cratered ground. Pop screamed a bloodcurdling scream, something you only hear in gore horror."This is my heart, the beating heart of a simple girl who was transforming into a woman with fabulous fame."Candy held the heart over her chest, pushing it, making it phase through and take place in her chest."You ate my brain, because you were such a dumbass not to take care of your own."Candy's hands transferring to the back of the male's head and breaking open his skull, more blood joining the pool by Pop's feet. With more cracking and a disgusting squish, Candy had pulled out Pop's brain and soon transferred it to her own skull. She regained near everything. There was only things left."Pop, you tried to take my identity. You said you needed a new face. You can say goodbye to that face now. I really would like my identity back."Pop let out a groan of pain, because he couldn't scream much more. Candy placed her talons in front of Pop's face, a ball of pure white lightning forming."Say goodbye to your face, Pop."She pushed the white sphere into his face with pure power, destroying, if not transmogrifying his face.

  Pop fell back onto the ground, not making a sound because he no longer had a mouth.  He couldn't really see anything, because he no longer had eyes. He continued to bleed, but he lived on. Candy stepped closer, leaning over the corpse. Leaning over the burning wings losing their webbing and feathers.

"And I was called a monster, but you're the monster here. Eating my heart, my brain, and taking my identity."Candy looked to the sky."I finally remember who I am, Pop."She looked down, making a metamorphosis into a human. The feathers upon her arms turned into a black leather bolero, her talons turning into pink nail polish, the fur mane around her neck turning into a lovely cheetah print shirt, the cross on her forehead turning into a thunderbolt going across her eye and pink eyeshadow, her feathers and fur going down her legs turning into a zebra and tiger belt and leather pants, her stiletto talons changing into strap sandal stilettos and more pink nail polish on her toes."I am Stefani Angelina Joanne Germanotta. I am..."Candy paused, getting down on her knees before Pop."I am Lady Gaga."Her eyes turned to the scythe that seemed to be calling to her."and I'll be taking this also."

  Lady Gaga picked up the scythe with the black rod and blood red metal. As soon as she began to examine the weapon, it reform. The rod shortened, one point becoming small and gaining a point like a cone. The dangerous end turned into many little spheres of darkness. The darkness transformed into little balls of pink lightning.and materialized into a bunch of crystals. The scythe had reformed into a staff. A staff with crystals that lit up.

"I think I'll keep this... My Disco Stick... A souvenir from our LoveGame, Pop."Lady Gaga chuckled, slowly, sexily sauntering that was almost like a dance. That stopped however as she heard a moan erupt from the corpse. She sighed, pressing the sharpened end of the Disco Stick against the ground."Cherry... Cherry... Boom... Boom..."Lady Gaga chanted, pushing back her bangs. At first nothing happened. Then a large bolt of hot pink lightning shot down from the sky. It hit the exact middle of Pop. He screamed in pain as the bolt seemed to get larger, bigger, soon encompassing his whole body. Pop was incinerated by the bolt, allowing Lady Gaga to continue on.

"I may be a monster, but killing the monster of Pop will be one of my biggest accomplishments."Lady Gaga push back her platinum blond hair again, exiting the crater.


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i saw that video several day ago

can someone explain to me what/who is Candy Warhola?

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Just now, MaryJaneHolland said:

i saw that video several day ago

can someone explain to me what/who is Candy Warhola?

Basically character Gaga created for the Fame Ball interludes. The Heart, The Brain, and The Face. Also known as Crevettes Films. Though with the spelling of "Kandy" in Kandy Life, it could be easily believed that kandy was made even before the Fame.

It is believed the character is an alternate personality who believes she is the daughter of Andy warhol, who has several things taken away from her, but she ends up unknowingly gaining something in return. At the end of "The Face" it is believed she is shot to death, though it is left relatively unknown whether or not she survives.

Essentially, Gaga's very first alter ego.

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I just read all of that.  That was amazing. :diane:

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Just now, Computer said:

I just read all of that.  That was amazing. :diane:

It couldn't be. It is awful.

I plan on rewriting it before I make it into a comic. I plan on getting all the crevette films into it to.

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Just now, Seeka said:

It couldn't be. It is awful.

I plan on rewriting it before I make it into a comic. I plan on getting all the crevette films into it to.

It was amazing in its own way 

And I liked the song titles and lyrics showing up in the story...  "I'm sick of your and your LoveGame!" and the "Cherry Cherry Boom Boom" making the lightning happen.

💚💛💕❣⭕💢💢 | ⓜⓔⓡⓡⓨ ©ⓗⓡⓘⓢⓣⓜⓐⓢ
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1 minute ago, Computer said:

It was amazing in its own way 

And I liked the song titles and lyrics showing up in the story...  "I'm sick of your and your LoveGame!" and the "Cherry Cherry Boom Boom" making the lightning happen.

It's six years old...

Well I had to include LoveGame, since it's a part of the original story (if you include the Pop Ate My heart Interlude).

I plan on changing the Cherry Cherry Boom Boom since it's just a pseudonym for martin k.

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