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NY mag: "What's the point of Katy Perry, even?"


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What Is the Point of Katy Perry, Even?

Katy Perry has recently announced plans to campaign for Hillary Clinton. Given that we're in the midst of one of the most openly feminist eras of the past three decades, this news isn't so hard to parse. After all, outspoken superstars like Beyoncé and Rihanna and Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift dominate our stages and screens, offering their assorted flavors of pop empowerment and complicated personal narratives to the masses.

But when you pan from these reinvented, super-empowered lady superheroes to Katy Perry, the picture becomes far less threatening and explosive. Because Katy Perry never changes. Her brand is the very essence of reassuring, non-threatening stagnancy. She encapsulates that remaining, silent majority (It never goes away! Don't fool yourselves!) that doesn't like to be challenged at all, ever, for any reason — not by women, not by music, not by the weather, not by anything. Where Beyoncé pushes us to accept feminism and strong, assertive women (with a faintly wicked twist), and Taylor Swift pushes us to embrace vulnerability and femininity (with some emotionally volatile undercurrents), Katy Perry pushes such avant-garde, high concepts as teenagers, horny; California girls, awesome; aliens, weird; and kissing girls, actually kinda nice.


Read more: http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/10/what-is-the-point-of-katy-perry-even.html


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was that a read?:proud: I agree though, I don't understand how someone can be a huge fan of her. Like she is so.....average or even below. I don't wanna hate on her cause I do like some songs... 


but yeah i agree with this article on her. no lies just the good ol' truth tea.



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"It's the sound of eating French fries in the food court with your boyfriend, the one with the nice eyes who has nothing to say beyond the fact that he likes your butt"



LG: "I’m not a French fry, I’m foie gras"


I see you Gags:murderga:

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The Katy Perry of 2010 is the same as the Katy Perry of 2015. Her hair color is different here and there. That's it.


No lies were told. :bye:

I didn't ask for a free ride, I only asked you to show me a real good time.
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GloZell Green

What kind of journalism :toofunny::toofunny::toofunny::toofunny:  Building on a feud that is no more. Just let each be tbh, they're begging for that controversy. BUT I kind of agree with the fact that she hasn't shown much growth in songwriting (in terms of musical topics)


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