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Lady Gaga Interviewed Live On Facebook


Lady Gaga Interviewed Live On Facebook
Photo credit: Gareth Cattermole via gagaimages.org

Lady Gaga continues the promo tour for her brand new single "Perfect Illusion" with two amazing interviews which were broadcast live on Facebook. Gaga sat down with Amp Radio and Fresh Radio on Monday to discuss the new song, her upcoming album, and much more. Check out excerpts from the interview or watch the full thing below!

On the new album being her most personal yet:
A lot of this record is about me delving into my relationship with my father, understanding him, healing my relationship with him. Also, about my relationship with my girl friends. One of my best friends has stage four cancer and I wrote a song about how me and my friends would get together without her to cry, because we couldn't cry in front of her. And then there's songs like "Hey Girl" with Florence about women lifting each other up. So, each record is about these sort of different things I've experienced just going back to being a woman and erasing fame from the equation when I'm in the studio.

On when fans can expect the album to drop:
Relatively soon. I can't give you the exact date, but it's coming before the end of the year. This is actually the most finished I've been with a record when the first single comes out. Mark [Ronson] is quite regimented. He has like a board, he calls it "The Board of Completion" and I call it "The Bored of Completion."

On the LG5 tour:
Nothing is going to be particularly stripped down. This is not me being like, "Oh, this is the real me, surprise!" This is just where I am in my life right now, how I feel right now. I always change. Whenever I make a new record, it always teaches me something. And these shows will be whatever feels right. The music is going to dictate the show. The music is really fun, but it's dynamic and I feel the show is going to be that way. It's going to make you laugh, and cry, and dance, and jump, and scream. And I miss my fans so much and I certainly want to give them what they want. And I think I know what they want. I think I do. 

On working with Bradley Cooper on A Star Is Born:
You know what I didn't expect? I didn't expect for us to be such real friends. He's such a normal cool dude, but he's a genius.

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