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There are more Gaga haters in this fandom than in the GP. Stop.


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JUST today I think I've seen over 5 thread slamming Gaga directly telling her how she's made mistakes, flopped and needs to "step up her game". And WAYYYY more INDIRECTLY slamming her. They slam her but not directly. Honestly when ARTPOP came out all the critiques were calling Gaga a flop, saying she's over and that she was a flash in the pan and we were supportive and fighting off the remarks. But that's faded away now but now the "fans" who said "forever a little monster" during the BTW era are now slamming Gaga more. No one seems to have the guts to say it directly that they're hating on her and ARTPOP + the era but there is a lot of people indirectly doing it. So I honestly think that all the fake fans should really decide if they're on team Angela Cheng and PigRez or Little monster. Imagine poor Gaga when she read all the articles about her falling from fame and then when the GP is done with that and are now back to loving her (she's rising on billboard and going on TV again and artRAVE is one of the most anticipated tours of the year) but her own [fake]fans are out there dishing shade. I really feel like ARTPOP Era isn't getting enough credit and ARTPOP itself and esp. Gaga. This era we've got a lot of fans. She is doing great but all I see is shade. It really needs to go back to when we didn't always care about what people thought and we just enojoyed the great music (which we JUST got). I'm even starting to think the GP loves her more than a lot of "fans" (note the inverted commas) do. So TBQFH can we just support Gaga and promote the actual hell out of G.U.Y. A bit but let the latter not stop us from loving the whole ART(istic)POP. It pisses me off a lot but it's more sadness then anger because Gaga really doesn't deserve this.

I am quite prepared to fight off those who want to argue. I've been noticing this a lot these days. The indirect insults get more praise than those praising. So it's time I said something and I mean it.

Don't like it?

COME. AT. ME. SIS. :fthis:


Oh by the way I still believe we have tons of good monsters who support Gaga :hug:

♢ Social Justice Enthusiast ♢
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Not agreeing with everything she does doesn't make you a hater, but I have to agree with you on this thread tho xD
But since over 80% of this forum excists out of gay boys, you can expect a lil' b---hin' (and yes, I'm gay too xD)

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Threads like "What's Gaga's biggest career mistake" and "The GP aren't here for...let's change it" are really annoying.

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Azor Ahai

ehm , it is diferent if you like someone and it's diferent if you worship their every move and be blind to the mistakes they may do. Gaga is not perfect and has her flaws and we just like to talk about them here. What's your problem with that ?

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The criticism towards her is mostly uncalled for. Those hating her will always say: But it's good to be critiqued. The problem is that if the era was commercially more successful they wouldn't be criticising it therefore that argument is invalid imo. It is sad that ARTPOP isn't doing well because Gaga ****ing deserves all the success. But it is what it is and I'm still enjoying every performance she gives us, I wish there were more, and am anticipating artRAVE :pawsup:



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I think this is a great era tbh

I think so too! I'm really proud of what Gaga has done this era! :party:

♢ Social Justice Enthusiast ♢
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It still won't change what happened, and unless she learns from the past, there's no true expectations for the future.

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I've actually loved everything so far. Sure things could have gone a bit better, but what can we do? Honestly, I think you might be overreacting the words of 5 or 6 people.

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Threads like "What's Gaga's biggest career mistake" and "The GP aren't here for...let's change it" are really annoying.

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No matter how many threads are made, nothing will change. Everyone on both sides should just shut up and move on 

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Dean Winchester



The criticism towards her is mostly uncalled for. Those hating her will always say: But it's good to be critiqued. The problem is that if the era was commercially more successful they wouldn't be criticising it therefore that argument is invalid imo. It is sad that ARTPOP isn't doing well because Gaga ****ing deserves all the success. But it is what it is and I'm still enjoying every performance she gives us, I wish there were more, and am anticipating artRAVE :pawsup:



I agree with THIS  :legend: And gagz if ur reading this please release act II, i need TEA, tinnitus, Onion Girl, Temple in my life  :excited2: who cares if act I didn't do well commercially, its all about the music  :gaga:

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