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doritos are so gross yuck i use to throw up every time i ate them when i was in hs lol gross BUT damn good for her 2 mil for a show! she deserves every dollar ;) 

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Ladle Ghoulash

Whenever people comment "music, not the bling" on articles like these, they forget that, like it or not, it does cost money to put on a performance, release an album or create costumes. 


The line "I just love the music, not the bling" simply means that she's doing it for the music (and subsequently the visuals that accompany the music) first and foremost, not for the fame, notoriety or the fancy cars/mansions etc. 

Let’s just say 🗣️ I’m CREAMING 🥛 in my CORN 🌽
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Fuse.tv will have a livestream of Lady Gaga's performance at the SXSW Boldstage on 13 March from 11/10c


Source: www.fuse.tv


:excited2:  :excited2:  :excited2:

Edited by BadMonster
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Well I was hoping so, otherwise there would be like no point to the performance for anyone other than the lucky few who got tickets

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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