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KP's Dark Horse music video reminds me why she'll never be Gaga


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Judas Oyster

Just watched it. I can't believe what I saw. This video IS made for children. She is really just seeking the money.

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i think it's misguided to think that every artist out there is aspiring to be or emulate gaga and gaga's career model. she'll never be gaga because she is katy perry.


agree. definitely not the same dna. and even if so, there would still be different aspirations. Katy Perry seems like a silly gal. What may come off as cheap and tacky to you, is a masterpiece to her. 


You've got to open your mind to different perspectives, especially when it comes to art


But op, i get where you're coming from


It also she be noted both Gaga and Katy Perry both made statements about their desire for fame/attention concerning their music.


It's difficult to say Gaga hasn't sacrificed her artistic integrity without truly knowing her nor her intentions of her work. 

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Judas Oyster

Did I really just see a music video about Hot Cheetos and Twinkies... what a sellout. 

I see what u mean, but be careful. Gaga sold us sandwiches and mayo. 

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I see what u mean, but be careful. Gaga sold us sandwiches and mayo. 

It was a commentary on  how labels are thrown at us in media and we are being suffocated by advertisements of generic products... The fact that she was making a sandwhich in an assembly line manner reinforces this concept how American pop culture has become repetitive and manufactured.... dont even compare that to the same likes as KP's DH video

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While I agree that Gaga has stooped low a few times encourage fans to buy her sales... its nowhere near the level of other artists who go through even cheaper measures for sales (aka Katy Perry who rented a rapper for all her TD singles to be #1)


I agree with that.

I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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Katy is already the Female MJ, she doesn't need to downgrade to being Gaga






But seriously, I don't see what's wrong with doing a fun and carefree video. Not everything has to have some deep and meaningful message that no one understands. Katy is a POP star and she is a damn good one at that. She never claimed to be some highbrow artist that's trying to fuse art and pop with Marina Koons, so why should her work be held to that standard?


And lets be real here, 90% of this forum would have called the Dark Horse video tacky and childish regardless of what Katy did.

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Katy is already the Female MJ, she doesn't need to downgrade to being Gaga






But seriously, I don't see what's wrong with doing a fun and carefree video. Not everything has to have some deep and meaningful message that no one understands. Katy is a POP star and she is a damn good one at that. She never claimed to be some highbrow artist that's trying to fuse art and pop with Marina Koons, so why should her work be held to that standard?


And lets be real here, 90% of this forum would have called the Dark Horse video tacky and childish regardless of what Katy did.




I kinda agree. Shes been extremely succesful with this play light and fun strategy. SHes got audience for that. But at the same time shes really never going to be taken seriously artistically with that approach. But does she really care? She just plays it safe, got these number ones and massive sales, she can eventually laugh at those  ' real indiel artists' who take it seriously and will not be able to imitate her succes. Public just prefers to keep it simple.

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Remind me why you feel the need to compare them right now?


Tacky is Katy's style. Get off her tail + get over it. You guys are behaving like children tonight.

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On top of that her music videos (even TEOG) are always well thought out and have an artistic integrity to them that never errs on tacky or cheap, unlike music videos like Katy Perry's Dark Horse that had no artistic message that quite frankly ruined Ancient Egyptian culture and mythology for me. 

I see that a couple of people have already disagreed with you here, but I see where you're coming from. The execution was weak, but, as you said, the her integrity and her creative voice were left unscathed. In other words, her mind was in the right place.

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Judas Oyster

It was a commentary on  how labels are thrown at us in media and we are being suffocated by advertisements of generic products... The fact that she was making a sandwhich in an assembly line manner reinforces this concept how American pop culture has become repetitive and manufactured.... dont even compare that to the same likes as KP's DH video

I was being funny. Besides, you don't know if Katy meant it like that neither, so you can relax :)

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Remind me why you feel the need to compare them right now?


Tacky is Katy's style. Get off her tail + get over it. You guys are behaving like children tonight.

This was a response to previous threads saying KP is replacing Gaga in the industry... and if cheap and tacky is what sells to the GP then there are clearly bigger worries at hand

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Just saw KP's Dark Horse music video, and it was so cheap and tacky that it was torture watching it the first time. 


But what it really got me thinking was that it solidified Gaga's place in the music industry as being in a league of her own. There were threads earlier talking about how KP might replace Gaga and how she is obtaining legendary status... for a second I was afraid it may have been true. But after watching the music video it reminded me that what separate Gaga from not just KP but others like Miley and Rihanna and Britney is that Gaga will never sacrifice her artistic integrity for cheap sales.


Even though Alejandro sparked controversy during the peak of Gaga's fame, Gaga released something so controversial because it was a bold statement and it was working towards a cause of bestowing equal rights to all diverse groups/minorities in America. Gaga could have released another Telephone, but instead she released Alejandro that is so rich in its symbolism and imagery and also produced a bold statement that got ppl thinking whether they liked it or not.


Even at the height of her career she released BTW which again worked towards a cause of equal rights for not just LGBT community but anyone who felt disenfranchised (yes, I said it) when she could have released something like TF or TFM and remained popular for the GP trying to spark change in society


On top of that her music videos (even TEOG) are always well thought out and have an artistic integrity to them that never errs on tacky or cheap, unlike music videos like Katy Perry's Dark Horse that had no artistic message that quite frankly ruined Ancient Egyptian culture and mythology for me. 


Therefore, I think that Gaga should be proud that she never sold out to the GP just for popularity and sales and instead worked towards something bigger, even if it took a hit in her popularity with the GP. Anyone else agree? Sorry about this wordy post. 


In case you were wondering:

Dark Horse 





It's intentional camp  :awkney:

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This was a response to previous threads saying KP is replacing Gaga in the industry... and if cheap and tacky is what sells to the GP then there are clearly bigger worries at hand


Why do you guys even care, then....

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