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DJWS Hints that ARTPOP Is NOT the Single


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Literally no emotion about anything in this era at this point. Just looking forward to the tour and crossing my fingers that we get some huge epic surprise that makes this all make sense. Someone in here had a really good point about her doing a ton of filming and stuff to accommodate her image/sales while touring. I think that would make sense. It would be a lot for her to try to film/promote much while doing the ARTPOP Ball. Apart from Roseland and artRAVE I'm just sorta blah about it. I have faith that she'll do some cool stuff by the time 2015 rolls around...hopefully....maybe...please.

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Literally no emotion about anything in this era at this point. Just looking forward to the tour and crossing my fingers that we get some huge epic surprise that makes this all make sense. Someone in here had a really good point about her doing a ton of filming and stuff to accommodate her image/sales while touring. I think that would make sense. It would be a lot for her to try to film/promote much while doing the ARTPOP Ball. Apart from Roseland and artRAVE I'm just sorta blah about it. I have faith that she'll do some cool stuff by the time 2015 rolls around...hopefully....maybe...please.


I'm kind of at that point now as well. I'm not going to be counting down the weeks to the next video because it'll come when it comes, and if the single does well, great. If it flops, that's too bad. Right now, it just doesn't matter to me, because it's Gaga's career and she can do what she wants. I'm just going to step away from the mindset that she always has to be on top. Her career will outlast this lukewarm album and I'm certain she will come back better than ever, even if it takes another album or two.

I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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I'm always on her side, but she really needs to move at a quicker pace. I'll support her for whatever, but she risks losing a lot of you, because most of you are so impatient.


We all can be patient but her album will be dead very soon if she doesn't release a new song on radio... An album can't last forever and I feel like she takes too much time without releasing anything (no DWUW video, no 3rd single, no news... nothing)

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She should definitely take a step back and let a director do what a director's gotta do. She needs to stop trying to grill in the notion that she's good at every aspect of her career when we all know how the BTW era turned out. She's a MUSICIAN, a POP STAR, she is trained to write good songs, hit the appropriate notes, play the piano etc, but she is NOT a film maker, NOT a photographer (ahem, Judas single cover), NOT a performance artist (even if she thinks it is). No matter how she tries to evolve and steer away from making generic pop songs, that is what she needs to learn to do. Throw in good bops, make tongue in cheek videos, release stuff ON TIME. That's what makes her a POP STAR. If she doesn't want to do what I've just said, then retire from pop music and make alternative material, or go into fashion design or something. She is doing EVERYTHING, doing the MOST, except for fun, cheeky pop music. Gone are the days we had sweet bops like LoveGame and Eh Eh.


Please stop putting her into a box. I honestly won't spend much time on you because clearly you have a limited perspective on what title someone is giving. However, when did Michael Jackson "take a step back"? When people didn't approve he still pushed forward.


Being a Pop Star doesn't mean she has to dilute her creativity because OTHER people don't necessarily like it or approve of it. Nothing about Gaga is traditional Pop star (in the essence of bubble gum, kids-bop type of persona/music). To say otherwise would be your lack of understanding what generic pop means. Furthermore, generic Pop music? Yes because Speechless, Bad Romance, Bloody Mary, Paparazzi, Highway Unicorn, Brown Eyes, Venus, Applause, etc. are ALL generic and everyone in the industry has her same lyrical wordplay/metaphorical references. NOT. I don't care what charts when it comes to Gaga because her QUALITY of music is so much higher than those other singers. NO ONE IS WRITING THEIR OWN MUSIC or have the ability to play it live, in the generic pop world. She gets a lot of points from that fact alone. Gaga is everything she says she is because thats what SHE BELIEVES. If you don't think she's a performance artist then that's fine, that's YOUR opinion. The only thing that matters is how she views herself and what she thinks she is. I can't believe some of you would rather her just sit there and have a whole team create her and tell her what she should do/or act like. Ugh, I think that's when I would stop liking her if she'd EVER sell out like that. . . .


Lastly, if you seriously think Love Game or Eh Eh amounts to some of her greatest records I CAN'T take you serious. 

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She should definitely take a step back and let a director do what a director's gotta do. She needs to stop trying to grill in the notion that she's good at every aspect of her career when we all know how the BTW era turned out. She's a MUSICIAN, a POP STAR, she is trained to write good songs, hit the appropriate notes, play the piano etc, but she is NOT a film maker, NOT a photographer (ahem, Judas single cover), NOT a performance artist (even if she thinks it is). No matter how she tries to evolve and steer away from making generic pop songs, that is what she needs to learn to do. Throw in good bops, make tongue in cheek videos, release stuff ON TIME. That's what makes her a POP STAR. If she doesn't want to do what I've just said, then retire from pop music and make alternative material, or go into fashion design or something. She is doing EVERYTHING, doing the MOST, except for fun, cheeky pop music. Gone are the days we had sweet bops like LoveGame and Eh Eh.


And for sure, she shouldn't let her friends do stuff that was made only by professionals before. Just saying.

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Please stop putting her into a box. I honestly won't spend much time on you because clearly you have a limited perspective on what title someone is giving. However, when did Michael Jackson "take a step back"? When people didn't approve he still pushed forward.


Being a Pop Star doesn't mean she has to dilute her creativity because OTHER people don't necessarily like it or approve of it. Nothing about Gaga is traditional Pop star (in the essence of bubble gum, kids-bop type of persona/music). To say otherwise would be your lack of understanding what generic pop means. Furthermore, generic Pop music? Yes because Speechless, Bad Romance, Bloody Mary, Paparazzi, Highway Unicorn, Brown Eyes, Venus, Applause, etc. are ALL generic and everyone in the industry has her same lyrical wordplay/metaphorical references. NOT. I don't care what charts when it comes to Gaga because her QUALITY of music is so much higher than those other singers. NO ONE IS WRITING THEIR OWN MUSIC or have the ability to play it live, in the generic pop world. She gets a lot of points from that fact alone. Gaga is everything she says she is because thats what SHE BELIEVES. If you don't think she's a performance artist then that's fine, that's YOUR opinion. The only thing that matters is how she views herself and what she thinks she is. I can't believe some of you would rather her just sit there and have a whole team create her and tell her what she should do/or act like. Ugh, I think that's when I would stop liking her if she'd EVER sell out like that. . . .


Lastly, if you seriously think Love Game or Eh Eh amounts to some of her greatest records I CAN'T take you serious. 


She just shouldn't be in the director chair. She could and should participate of every aspect of her career, but respecting the fact that there could be better opinions and ideas than hers. That's not asking her to be a puppet, but a wise woman who is aware of her limitations and the great work that she can achieve working with talented people in some areas, and letting them do their stuff sometimes 'cause they know more than her in a specific area.


I'm a fan of her thanks to TFM when she had experts or really talented people in every area. That era gave us the best music, visuals and performances, the most praise and of course well-planned singles and promotion to support them. I want that back.

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8Bit Heart

Please stop putting her into a box. I honestly won't spend much time on you because clearly you have a limited perspective on what title someone is giving. However, when did Michael Jackson "take a step back"? When people didn't approve he still pushed forward.

Being a Pop Star doesn't mean she has to dilute her creativity because OTHER people don't necessarily like it or approve of it. Nothing about Gaga is traditional Pop star (in the essence of bubble gum, kids-bop type of persona/music). To say otherwise would be your lack of understanding what generic pop means. Furthermore, generic Pop music? Yes because Speechless, Bad Romance, Bloody Mary, Paparazzi, Highway Unicorn, Brown Eyes, Venus, Applause, etc. are ALL generic and everyone in the industry has her same lyrical wordplay/metaphorical references. NOT. I don't care what charts when it comes to Gaga because her QUALITY of music is so much higher than those other singers. NO ONE IS WRITING THEIR OWN MUSIC or have the ability to play it live, in the generic pop world. She gets a lot of points from that fact alone. Gaga is everything she says she is because thats what SHE BELIEVES. If you don't think she's a performance artist then that's fine, that's YOUR opinion. The only thing that matters is how she views herself and what she thinks she is. I can't believe some of you would rather her just sit there and have a whole team create her and tell her what she should do/or act like. Ugh, I think that's when I would stop liking her if she'd EVER sell out like that. . . .

Lastly, if you seriously think Love Game or Eh Eh amounts to some of her greatest records I CAN'T take you serious.

Gaga is a POP STAR. End of story.

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Gaga is a POP STAR. End of story.


She's also a creative mind that would like to develop her skills.


Just because she's become famous as a popstar doesn't mean that she should limit herself to that. Yes, I agree that not everything she has done over the past 3 years has been up to par with what she did before that, and I would love it if she went back to her roots. But ANY person, famous or not famous, should have the chance to explore their own capabilities.


The only difference between Gaga trying something new and random person X trying something new is that Gaga has millions of people watching her every move and mistake. But does that take away her right to do so? No. If anything it should be encouraged in this day and age.

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She's also a creative mind that would like to develop her skills.


Just because she's become famous as a popstar doesn't mean that she should limit herself to that. Yes, I agree that not everything she has done over the past 3 years has been up to par with what she did before that, and I would love it if she went back to her roots. But ANY person, famous or not famous, should have the chance to explore their own capabilities.


The only difference between Gaga trying something new and random person X trying something new is that Gaga has millions of people watching her every move and mistake. But does that take away her right to do so? No. If anything it should be encouraged in this day and age.


It's this notion that Gaga is just a pop star that will have a lot of people leave this forum and her fanbase and I can't WAIT until that day comes. I loved "Let Love Down" and Wonderful so I'm sure if she went back to "Stefani" I'd love her still. Others on this forum not so much lol!!!

Matter of fact hopefully a lot of people leave this forum after this drama.

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