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Mistake or Design.. [Revamped | Taking Requests]


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Casey: I'll do that now. :)

Vampi: If you'd like me to edit anything, let me know. :)



I love it so much! :omgexcited: So awesome!

I have one tiny request though. Can you take off the little white bit in the upper right hand corner of the avatar?

Once again I love it! Thank you so very much for your work. :great:

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OMG Vampi's set :worship:

Thank youu. :D

I love it so much! :omgexcited: So awesome!

I have one tiny request though. Can you take off the little white bit in the upper right hand corner of the avatar?

Once again I love it! Thank you so very much for your work. :great:

Aww you're welcome! I'm so glad you like it. :heart:

Here you go:


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Aww you're welcome! I'm so glad you like it. :heart:

Here you go:


Thank you again! I don't like it though... I LOVE IT! :omgexcited: Perfect!

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I dont but I could make some for you?

You don't have to, if you have much else to do. I would love you if you could, but take your time. No need to rush. :grin:

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i would like to request

a set.

634 x 747 big.

this picture article-1251515-0853CD2E000005DC-413_634x747.jpg&w=634&h=747&ei=dTvITsubEYHzsgahxOmdBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=409&vpy=322&dur=2020&hovh=244&hovw=207&tx=81&ty=141&sig=117124063897559098916&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=124&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0.

text : Im a Free b---h baby

style= gothic/dark i want both


do your best and take your time

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i would like to request

a set.

634 x 747 big.

this picture article-1251515-0853CD2E000005DC-413_634x747.jpg&w=634&h=747&ei=dTvITsubEYHzsgahxOmdBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=409&vpy=322&dur=2020&hovh=244&hovw=207&tx=81&ty=141&sig=117124063897559098916&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=124&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0.

text : Im a Free b---h baby

style= gothic/dark i want both


do your best and take your time


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I'm going to make two requests:

I would like to request an avatar

The size: The maximum size for an avatar

The image: This

No text

The style: Avant-garde **** :spin:

Without borders

and a Signature

The size: 600x300

The images: 1 2 3

The style: Happy + Positive

Without borders

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I would like to request a: Signature

The size I would like it to be is: The size your heart desires.

The image(s) I'd like you to use: Any image of Lady Gaga in the Petra Storrs stained glass dress. (ex.my pic)

The text I would like to include is: "I'm beautiful in my way, cause God makes no mistakes." "Born This Way" "Lady Gaga"

The style I want is: Style it around the picture.

The border I want is: w/e you choose.

Thank you in advance I really love your work!

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i would like to request

a set.

634 x 747 big.

this picture

text : Im a Free b---h baby

style= gothic/dark i want both


do your best and take your time

Fixed :talk:

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You don't have to, if you have much else to do. I would love you if you could, but take your time. No need to rush. :grin:

I'll have them done later. :)

i would like to request

I do believe you need 50 posts in order to have a sig, so when you get 50 posts, let me know and i'll make it.

It's not that I dont want to, it's just you might not ever come back to the boards again so it's a waste of my time when I could've used that time to make someone else something, you know?


I'm going to make two requests:

I would like to request an avatar

The size: The maximum size for an avatar

The image: This

No text

The style: Avant-garde **** :spin:

Without borders

and a Signature

The size: 600x300

The images: 1 2 3

The style: Happy + Positive

Without borders

Alrighty, i'll have that done later. :)

I would like to request a: Signature

Yeah, pretty much my reply to born-this-way, once you hit 50 posts, i'll make it for you.

Fixed :talk:

Thank you. :')

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Brenda Meeks

Casey: How's this?



:cry::cry: I love it! Its definitely showing how I'm feeling rn and you did a perfect job! I feel myself crying inside, its so ****ing brilliant!! :cry::hug::hug: Thank you Jay!!

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I would like to request a: Sig.

The size I would like it to be is: 600x300

The image(s) I'd like you to use: I'd like you to choose from any of these:




The text I would like to include is:

Tonight, tonight

The world is full of light

With suns and moons all over the place

Tonight, tonight

The world is wild and bright

Going mad

Shooting sparks into space

The style I want is: New York-inspired, happy, red?, dramatic?, stars in the night sky, stunning yet simple, whatever looks best. :]

The border I want is: Anything but rounded

Hope I'm not sounding too picky. :sweat:

:flutter: Here you will find soul and inspiration: :lag:

Edited by ember
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