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Release of ARTPOP TV delayed


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Allison M

Trackstar is a feature fans can download stem packs of songs from ARTPOP, remix them, and upload onto the app to share with other fans. GagaTV is where new music will be released, along with possible music videos, and streaming of concerts, etc.

I thought Trackstar was so that we knew where she was in the world. Like .... Track the star. :toofunny:

What in the world could she show on ARTPOP TV anyways?

I'm sure she could post little videos like she did while she was in Japan. Like he would put Gagavisions there and possibly more frequently?

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I don't believe anything that comes out of Propagaga these days. Either date is months away still.

Edit: OK, I see they just got this from the timer in the app. Bleah.

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That J

Big shocker here. That's a decent size delay too. It'll probably come thru around the end of the artRAVE tour. ;)

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