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ARTPOP Discussion & Info Database 1-4-2012 thru 7-11-2013


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Men, i feel like we have anything confirmed yet just the ARTPOP and i not so sure if this is the album title.

Better the first single be out "SOON". :derpga:

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Wow, I totally missed part 12.

Will be here for Part 86 when we get the release date and part 122 when we get the single.

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i honestly want the single more than i want the album right now.

october come faster!!! :crazy:

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I'm going to laugh when October passes and we don't have a new single yet.

Not expecting anything until January.

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Is she going to announce anything in September?

She announced the album name one month early so I suppose Interscope has moved up plans.

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I wonder maybe if Gaga has some extravagant way of officially announcing ARTPOP to the world, because technically, she hasn't like directly tweeted or stated "ARTPOP is the title of my new album!", it's been very subtle on LM.com and on Twitter, like "new ink/new album" or hinting little monsters when she said, "Can you spread the word around that the title's ARTPOP?". Maybe in September we're getting some new innovative announcement (which would go with Tara's tweet of Gaga stealing the VMA's thunder)- I have no idea what Gaga has on her sleeve but I"m expecting something HUGE now that so much speculation is going around ARTPOP and how the GP is basically craving for some new Gaga news. I mean think about it- would the GP care about a speculated title for Rihanna's or Katy Perry's next album? I'm predicting something huge where Gaga utilizes all mediums of social media to announce her new project.

ARTPOP 2013 :excited:

Born A Monster
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"Soon" for Gaga means anytime between the current day and the last day of planet Earth.

:lmao: :golfclap:

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Im gonna put this out there now but what if she preformed the lead single at the VMA's...like at the end of the show...a surprise performance that MTV could hint at in upcoming promo's ;)

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I'm going to laugh when October passes and we don't have a new single yet.

Not expecting anything until January.

My guess is that she wants to build hype in a different way. I'm guessing first with the core fanbase, then outwards. Probably will take a few months after her comeback into the media with, err, September.

3 points in and ready for more
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Is she going to announce anything in September?

She announced the album name one month early so I suppose Interscope has moved up plans.

What exactly would her announcing the album title have to do with Interscope's plans?

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Im gonna put this out there now but what if she preformed the lead single at the VMA's...like at the end of the show...a surprise performance that MTV could hint at in upcoming promo's ;)

Except Tara tweeted Gaga was going to do something to steal the VMAs thunder; so debuting a single at the VMAs with MTV promos for the performance would contradict Tara's statement.

"My people… need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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