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ARTPOP #1 User Pick on Metacritic for 2013


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YASSS. But ew at Machete being 6th best movie of the year...what...like..no...Gaga was good but tbh the movie was just..not 6th best for sure :flop:

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SLAY!!  :legend: GGDdaily didn't even know about this poll and we wiped the floor with the competition. 

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If monsters stopped spamming polls like this, then I think the GP would like Gaga better.

This is obviously skewed because of monster votes, and people notice that. It's forced exposure and a lot of people take Gaga as a joke because of it. 

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it also shows that gaga fans, among all the major pop fanbase, cares about the quality of music most and actually cares to vote on metacritic.

In that case, we are never gonna know if the public likes Gaga or not 'cause monster always vote on this type of polls. I don't believe this.

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