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UPDATED: Gaga posts progress of Painting on LM


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Umm I actually like it... but this is weird.. What happened to her.  She is acting like Fame damaged her.  She went into it all being so smart about everything, and ever since Born This Way she has been slipping away. Even since Alejandro really...



So much that I'm not even a stan anymore.


Everything is so depressing these days.  Let's hope DWUW can come back.

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What if it represents a pheonix gone wrong? Her rebirth for this era didn't exactly go as she planned. The pheonix that was supposed to rise from it's ashes didn't properly revive itself and it turned into that. It turned into a disgusting creature of hate that she wants to rid but she can't. 

this is why i shouldn't have opinions


Interesting! I don't know if she wanted to express that, but it's actually interesting.

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Color similarities made me immediately associate, also.

it's kind of fun :sweat:

Yeah me too, haha. Glad it wasn't just me :sweat:

What if it represents a pheonix gone wrong? Her rebirth for this era didn't exactly go as she planned. The pheonix that was supposed to rise from it's ashes didn't properly revive itself and it turned into that. It turned into a disgusting creature of hate that she wants to rid but she can't.

this is why i shouldn't have opinions


I was actually thinking something along those lines, not necessarily that specifically but something like it. It made me immediately think of MTN because of the colors and silhouettes I guess, haha, but now that we have the finished product I think so even more. Maybe it does have to do with something like that, you never know. Or maybe she was just in the mood to draw an abstract demon bird, I've no clue. :P

Edited by inhisbelly
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Omg that's really beautiful, but we can't afford a depressed Gaga at this point :(

Twisted and creepy paintings usually indicate depression, and the text that she wrote with it... :( Kinda worried


she has always struggled with depression, you can see pain in basically every one of her songs. I think that if she is making art and sharing it with us she is actually handling it well. 

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I love it! I want to see her paint more often. It would be so cool to have Gaga create a traveling art show to different galleries.

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Hmmm. Here's my theory - It seems like the dark side of fame is really affecting her but she can't let herself go crazy because she will be made to go to "rehab" like other victims/singers of the industry. So she is expressing her emotions in a painting to let it all out. :( I'm worried about her so much.

I agree with what some have already said - it represents a Phoenix trying to "rise from the ashes" (gaga trying to be very successful and popular this era compared to BTW) but "they" aren't letting her. They want her to fall, because she's slowly and subtly exposing them, especially during this era. (DWUW, Swine, some interviews)

Just my opinion :) but I hope I'm wrong and everything's fine..

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Oh, I just now saw the whole thing, ha, ha.  Looks like Big Bird gone bad.  It's just her fun and dark sense of humor coming forth.  Demented Big Bird means no harm.  I'd like to see more of her work.  :)

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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something happened....or we are looking too far into it. I really enjoy seeing her art in this form. It'll be interesting to see the finished product if she decides to show us. -updated- 


Edited by twigs42
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Lion Heart

Updated op

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