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ARTPOP Physical Copy Russian Edition

Cameron Dallas

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ITS FAKE!  :sweat:  Well, or blocked in the Muslim regions of the country. Well, or blocked in the Muslim regions of the country  :cool:


úÑ‚þ-Ñ‚þ ýðòõÑ€ýþ ÿÑ€þÑÑ‚þ ýðûÑÿðû ÑÑ‚øúõры ø уñõöðû :rofl:


Mess :toofunny:

But nothing can beat this:



What countries have such copies of ARTPOP?


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úÑ‚þ-Ñ‚þ ýðòõÑ€ýþ ÿÑ€þÑÑ‚þ ýðûÑÿðû ÑÑ‚øúõры ø уñõöðû :rofl:



What countries have such copies of ARTPOP?


:cool: maybe, By the way, the album has more than 2,000 votes in iTUNES. Also, this is the album rating - 4.5 stars out of 5 stars  :party:  Applause peak position - #1 on russian radio. ARTPOP album peak position - #1. Russia - the first country in which the album was number one on iTUNE. YESSS GAGA FOREVER 


19.500 persons

fighting buryat
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Pain of fame1

If Russia is so homophobic, they should reevaluate their actions and get as many naked pictures of women on as many things as possible.


I'm sure they aren't hiding the abs of juicy men if they pop up around town.  There's their problem  :unicorn:


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pink sushi

úÑ‚þ-Ñ‚þ ýðòõÑ€ýþ ÿÑ€þÑÑ‚þ ýðûÑÿðû ÑÑ‚øúõры ø уñõöðû :rofl:


What countries have such copies of ARTPOP?

Iraq :derpga:

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Battle 4 Ur Life

I think this is such a disrespect to the buyer...


Russia's government sucks...

Smash With a Smile
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