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ArtRAVE 7th Show: May 15th, Philadelphia, PA


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Yes. He drove 8 hours in total to get there and back! 


He tweeted "Miku sounds so good live how does she do it" :dies:



Do you know if there are released versions of the remixed songs she did? Or are they planning on releasing them? The version of World is Mine she did was pretty cool ^.^

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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Do you know if there are released versions of the remixed songs she did? Or are they planning on releasing them? The version of World is Mine she did was pretty cool ^.^


Good question! I wish I knew the answer. I am hoping they get released on iTunes at some point. But I haven't heard anything.

I am sure there will eventually be a video report on the Youtube Miku Channel about the whole Gaga experience, so they might announce something then. Just guessing :-)

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Good question! I wish I knew the answer. I am hoping they get released on iTunes at some point. But I haven't heard anything.

I am sure there will eventually be a video report on the Youtube Miku Channel about the whole Gaga experience, so they might announce something then. Just guessing :-)

I haven't really heard anything either which is why I was wondering XD

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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There are some amazing videos on this channel, if you're interested!




Probably some of the best fan recordings I've seen so far.


Omg thanks..


The Miku vid :giveup:


That song was amazing! I dont know the song though unfortunately :(


Those videos are great.. Thanks so much haha

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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