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Buy a piece of Gaga's wood dress and help fight AIDS!

My Little Phoney

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can't open the link :noparty:

I asked when I will bd receiving my order and he said

"Hola, you should receive your order next week"


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Any other news on this? I've added a note in the OP to approach with caution until we get official confirmation that it's legit.

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I asked when I will bd receiving my order and he said

"Hola, you should receive your order next week"


he told me he's shipping mine on monday :excited2::party: :party:

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Unheard Beat

I think this is real.  The guy has been advertising it on his official facebook, twitter, and even website. He has some thousand followers, and he hasn't just posted the advertisement for the wood, and on his website he isn't just selling the wood. Gaga fashionland has him as the designer of the wood dress, along with articles advertising his AIDs campaign. Gaga fashionland has tons of information on designers Gaga has worn- I don't think they would get the wrong guy. His AIDs campaign isn't everywhere because he isn't famous. That's why it seems questionable. Also, Gaga isn't tweeting about it because she probably isn't aware of it. She's constantly wearing different designers, and maybe she doesn't have enough time to make sure of what they're doing 24/7. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't have the "right" to do this to his own dress. It seems to me that Gaga didn't buy the dress, therefore he has the right to sell it. Just because she wore it once doesn't mean she has any rights to it.



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I feel bad for starting this thread

don't feel bad :( :hug:

you'v done nothing wrong, neither has the designer.

I'v ordered mine and I'm sure it'll come. Have faith :party: (plus he confirmed that he's shipping it on monday)

(what did you expect tho, amazon prime :trollga:) give it some time :) ;)

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I got mine today! I have #410 - what about you guys? :)

I want one, but I'm waiting for someone to get theirs first. lol


Well... I hope it's not too late now

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