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US Charts Discussion - (ARTPOP - 100K+ this week!)


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  On 11/30/2013 at 2:00 PM, Luc said:

Born This Way has TeoG, BTW and Yoü and I. Three timeless pop songs released as a single. I still prefer listening to BTW in its whole over listening to ARTPOP. Applause and Gypsy have the power to last longer than a year. But that's all. Applause already sounded a bit dated on its release day, and people definitly aren't going to listen to it 3 years from now like people still do with Bad Romance and The Edge of Glory.

I guess we think In exactly the same way. . .  but there Is something about Applause ..  Firstly It sounded dated to me, now It sounds fresh and I am sure It's because of the weird lyrics/verses + the Applause Applause part '-'

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  On 11/30/2013 at 2:03 PM, Mariano said:

I guess we think In exactly the same way. . .  but there Is something about Applause ..  Firstly It sounded dated to me, now It sounds fresh and I am sure It's because of the weird lyrics/verses + the Applause Applause part '-'


I have listened like 1000 times to Applause and it still sounds as fresh as the first time tbh.

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  On 11/30/2013 at 1:57 PM, Mariano said:

Exactly your mistake.  Team Is already doing digitally better than any ARTPOP song besides Applause and DWUW (currently 50M AI+  both on radio). And where Is Adele's hit this year ? Why did she sell 1M+ Albums this year ? And why did she sell a lot last year ? her last hit was Rumor Has It  If we can even say it was a hit ...   A good album can sell well because of Its style becoming popular.  Lorde's style right now became really popular and people are not buying her album only because of Royals, If we rely on this logic then Katy's album should also be selling well because of Roar but she Is nowhere as consistent as LOrde's album sales now...   The same goes for Lana Del, she sold so many albums WW with 1 big hit (and SS was a big hit only In Europe If I am not wrong) ..


Team is a single :/ so of course it will do better and the fact that Royals is such a big hit will help all her singles. Adele has had many other hits but it was performances of 'someone like you' that got her noticed the most. 


Look I am not saying the "style of the album" Didn't help but I don't agree that it's the key to selling albums I think it's more about quality. 


I also never said she is selling albums based on single success. It doesn't work like that. 


Pure Heroine is yet to hit number one anywhere other than AUS and NZ. I am not saying she won't sell loads of albums I am just saying I don't agree with your theory and I think the album may suffer from the production quality. 


Also Lana Del Rey has had huge exposure, advertising and an EP so I don't think it was 'style' that sold her album. 

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for Gaga's next era (Not counting re release / act 2 etc.. ) I want something really different .. I want her to really grow up as an artist and release something that will surprise me and confuse me but In the end will be the most special thing like BTW was to me ... When I firstly heard BTW the song I was so blown away, because It was so different from any of her previous songs :X Then You and I etc..  I really loved the BTW Era I can't believe how much hate there was :udidnt:  And now how many albums there are that has sold more than BTW ww for the last let's say 5 years ?  I can only think of The Fame/Monster and 21  .. seriously ..  Michael Bubble's christmas album may be at around 7-8M WW not sure and Eminem's Recovery Is probably at 10M WW .. I can't think of other albums .. ?

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After only 3 weeks so far, 'ARTPOP' is #13 in Amazon Best Sellers of 2013 :legend:

#1  Daft Punk (May 2013)
#2  Justin Timberlake -The 20/20 (March 2013)
#10 Adele (Feb 2011)

#12 Pink The Truth About Love (Sep 2012)
#13 ARTPOP (Nov 2013)
#22 Red Taylor Swift (Oct 2012)

#26 Pearl Jam - Lightning Bolt (Oct 2013)
#27 Prism (Oct 2013)
#30 Eminem - The Marshall (Nov 2013)

#66 Lorde - Pure Heroine (Sep 2013)



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  On 11/30/2013 at 2:00 PM, Mariano said:

BTW carries the undying taste of the music of the 70s - 80s ,  ARTPOP carries the definitely dying power of the music In 2009.2010 and 2011.

Although I agree about Applause but It's not because of the genre, but because of the song Itself, It's flawfree and It's really sounding fresh even tho I've heard It 1501250125 times. . .  I am talkin about the album as a whole .. and this is only my opinion of course.. 


You are Kind of ignoring the fact that Born This Way didn't actually have that much lasting power considering it's debut. it's sales seemed to be based more on the fact that she was so famous thanks to the success of TF/TFM. 

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that's why 21 Is selling so good, half of the album Is boring mess, but as a whole the music on 21 has long lasting power, you can play Someone like you and It will still sound .. normal like It came out this year..



It's more about 21 reaching the status or a classic super-hyped album that everybody ought to get.

That's what kept The Fame and TFM selling for years too.


Both reached a certain cultural critical mass that allowed them to outlive their singles and promo.Loud too in UK.

But BTW and Rihanna's last album not so much.

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  On 11/30/2013 at 2:10 PM, MikeyMoonShine said:

Team is a single :/ so of course it will do better and the fact that Royals is such a big hit will help all her singles. Adele has had many other hits but it was performances of 'someone like you' that got her noticed the most. 


Look I am not saying the "style of the album" Didn't help but I don't agree that it's the key to selling albums I think it's more about quality. 


I also never said she is selling albums based on single success. It doesn't work like that. 


Pure Heroine is yet to hit number one anywhere other than AUS and NZ. I am not saying she won't sell loads of albums I am just saying I don't agree with your theory and I think the album may suffer from the production quality. 


Also Lana Del Rey has had huge exposure, advertising and an EP so I don't think it was 'style' that sold her album. 

Yes I agree about Lorde .. she Is not POP (Not talkin about POP genre, talkin about Popular like Adele, Eminem etc.) and that's why she won't ever sell 10M Albums Ww or even nowhere close to It .. but just look at the best selling albums for the last years .. they have 1 thing and It's that they are different from whatever Is popular on the radio...  Gaga's first 2 albums TF+TFM sold so much because they + BEP really pushed the dance music, but now ARTPOP Is the same Dance music (of course more modern so It can fit 2013 but still ... ) ..  Adele's style on the other hand Is piano and vocals .. this will never ever die that's why her songs sound OK even If you listen to them In 5 years .. 

Maybe my example with Lorde and Lana was not really good but .. still :D

  On 11/30/2013 at 2:13 PM, MikeyMoonShine said:

You are Kind of ignoring the fact that Born This Way didn't actually have that much lasting power considering it's debut. it's sales seemed to be based more on the fact that she was so famous thanks to the success of TF/TFM. 

I am talking about the lasting power of the music, not the album on the charts...  Numbers speak for themselves, How many people have 7M+ Selling album the last 5 years ?

  On 11/30/2013 at 2:13 PM, craig said:

It's more about 21 reaching the status or a classic super-hyped album that everybody ought to get.

That's what kept The Fame and TFM selling for years too.


Both reached a certain cultural critical mass that allowed them to outlive their singles and promo.Loud too in UK.

But BTW and Rihanna's last album not so much.

Yes definitely that too, but  BTW sold 6.2M In 2011 alone .. of course It was going off the hype after TFM but still 6-7M Albums WW In 1 year can only show that the music Is worthy.  On the other hand 5.5M WW for 3 years (Teenage Dream) with several number 1 hits, can only show the struggle of the label to push the album ..

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  On 11/30/2013 at 2:11 PM, daviddarko said:

After only 3 weeks so far, 'ARTPOP' is #13 in Amazon Best Sellers of 2013 :legend:

#1  Daft Punk (May 2013)

#2  Justin Timberlake -The 20/20 (March 2013)

#10 Adele (Feb 2011)

#12 Pink The Truth About Love (Sep 2012)

#13 ARTPOP (Nov 2013)

#22 Red Taylor Swift (Oct 2012)

#26 Pearl Jam - Lightning Bolt (Oct 2013)

#27 Prism (Oct 2013)

#30 Eminem - The Marshall (Nov 2013)

#66 Lorde - Pure Heroine (Sep 2013)




Surprised about Eminem and Lorde, why are they so low?

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BTW had huge lasting power in countries where her success wasn't extremely frontloaded, like Japan. And honestly, we could dream about ARTPOP selling 5 million after first-week WW.

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Adele's style on the other hand Is piano and vocals .. this will never ever die that's why her songs sound OK even If you listen to them In 5 years ..




People could easy look back and laugh at the fashion for break up songs from her and T Swift.

Her vocals try hard to be Black American Soul, while Gaga's singing is somehow more universal.and timeless.

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  On 11/30/2013 at 1:49 PM, Mariano said:

I just wrote a comment on the previous page about Its sales and most albums' sales '-' It's mostly because the music Is simply good which ain't equal to generic. And as much as I love ARTPOP for Gaga's standarts It's generic. Of course compared to Katy, Pitbull Kesha etc.. It's outstanding, but after Born This Way, ARTPOP feels a bit generic :S

21 was extremely generic though and it still sells a lot until this very day. Also I think that ARTPOP isn't generic at all. Its just more generic than BTW but the truth is that BTW was a very unstable albunt. As a body of work BTW is one of the best Pop albums ever but as an album it is difficult to listen to it. ARTPOP flows amazingly as an album and this is the element of success for all the extremely successful albums like 21 or Dark Side Of The Moon etc.
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  On 11/30/2013 at 2:19 PM, VforVendetta said:

21 was extremely generic though and it still sells a lot until this very day. Also I think that ARTPOP isn't generic at all. Its just more generic than BTW but the truth is that BTW was a very unstable albunt. As a body of work BTW is one of the best Pop albums ever but as an album it is difficult to listen to it. ARTPOP flows amazingly as an album and this is the element of success for all the extremely successful albums like 21 or Dark Side Of The Moon etc.

21 Is not generic :rip:  What was on the radio that RITD reminded you of ,when It became huge ?  What about SLY, SFTTR, Rumor Has It ?   21 Is Simple, but nowhere near being generic :rip: 

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  On 11/30/2013 at 2:19 PM, VforVendetta said:

21 was extremely generic though and it still sells a lot until this very day. Also I think that ARTPOP isn't generic at all. Its just more generic than BTW but the truth is that BTW was a very unstable albunt. As a body of work BTW is one of the best Pop albums ever but as an album it is difficult to listen to it. ARTPOP flows amazingly as an album and this is the element of success for all the extremely successful albums like 21 or Dark Side Of The Moon etc.

ARTPOP does flow well, but it's still too much difference in 15 songs. I mean, it doesn't feel like a piece. They could've made this an EP with 5 songs and the album would still have the same meaning (Aura, ARTPOP, DOPE, Gypsy and Applause).

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The request links don't matter sat/sun. We have to call open house party and tweet sat night online in the evening.

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