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Simba's Pride Land Graphics [Temporarily Closed]


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Thanks ya'll.

I suppose this counts as a graphic. Something I did for school:


*click to enlarge

I LOVE this, Dude. It's fantastic. :party:

So I made these for school. These are my first graphics I've made in Photoshop so they're pretty ****ty.


*(wallpaper size - click)


(if you're wondering, the tiger pic is the pic I use for practice)

For your first time in PS, these aren't bad at all! I used GIMP beforehand too, and trust me, my first graphics in PS were awful. :toofunny:

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I LOVE this, Dude. It's fantastic. :party:

For your first time in PS, these aren't bad at all! I used GIMP beforehand too, and trust me, my first graphics in PS were awful.

Thank you :)

Lol, thanks :haha: But I figured since I've been doing GIMP for ages I thought I could have done a bit more with PS. But It just didn't turn out that well There are subtle differences that get on my nerves.

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i love your use of textures & filters on the signatures, very effective. and i ADORE your use of color. i'll be following this topic, for sure. :)

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i love your use of textures & filters on the signatures, very effective. and i ADORE your use of color. i'll be following this topic, for sure. :)

Thank you - that's very kind of you :hug:

Tumblr stuff:


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*Made in memory of Laika.

*Laika was a stray wondering the streets of Moscow.

*She was picked out by Russian scientists who used

*strays because of their high tolerance to extreme conditions.

*She was a mixed breed. Although unknown,

*it was likely she was part Husky, part Terrier.

*She trained with the Russian scientists.

*On November 3rd, 1957, Laika embarked on her journey

*aboard the Sputnik 2, the successor to Sputnik:

*the first man-man satellite to orbit earth.

*Laika became the first living creature to orbit the earth.

*She became the first creature to feel the effects of space and of weightlessness.

*She was also the first organism to perish in orbit.

*Reports suggest that she died upon the fourth circuit,

*most likely due to overheating.

*Laika proved that organisms could survive the launch

*into orbit and endure weightlessness -

*and paved the way for human exploration of space.

*In 1998, Oleg Gazenko, a Russian scientist who worked on the Sputnik 2 project,

*released this statement:

*"Work with animals is a source of suffering to all of us.

*We treat them like babies who cannot speak.

*The more time passes, the more I'm sorry about it.

*We shouldn't have done it...

*We did not learn enough from this mission to justify the death of the dog."

*Made in memory of Laika.

*(most of the words come from the song "Neighborhood #2 (Laika) by Arcade Fire)

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It amazes me how you can capture the emotions in your graphics. You can tell that you put a lot of effort into your work, that just goes to show how much talent you have.

Amazing work, Nate.

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Such a lovely graphic and such a sad story :cry:

I know :hug: Thank you.

It amazes me how you can capture the emotions in your graphics. You can tell that you put a lot of effort into your work, that just goes to show how much talent you have.

Amazing work, Nate.

Thank you so much :hug: As well as your similar comment in the other thread. You're very kind. :hug:

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Type of Request: Avatar + signature

Size: 600 x 250


Text: I'll help you see it through 'cause I just really want to be with you (In wine red color, with the same font you used here:


Style/Extra Info: Oldie style (Similar style to this photo:

http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/68819220/Foster+the+People+_.png ) / Use the guy in the middle from the first photo, the guy in the left from the second, and from the third photo use the blonde guy in the middle and put them in this order: the guy who's sitting on the left, the other one in the middle and the blonde one in the right. And the avatar just use the 1st photo :) and that's it

Ok, sorry if i'm being exaggerated or something

I just want a set like that so bad :ohno:

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Style/Extra Info: Oldie style (Similar style to this photo:

http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/68819220/Foster+the+People+_.png ) / Use the guy in the middle from the first photo, the guy in the left from the second, and from the third photo use the blonde guy in the middle and put them in this order: the guy who's sitting on the left, the other one in the middle and the blonde one in the right. And the avatar just use the 1st photo :) and that's it

I'll get working on that soon :)

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