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ARTPOP ITunes stream to be censored

Unicorn De Milo

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Is the iTunes stream even confirmed? :laughga:

Actually, no. Everybody assumed she meant iTunes when she only said the album "will be streamed on November 4th".  :laughga:

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Actually, no. Everybody assumed she meant iTunes when she only said the album "will be streamed on November 4th".  :laughga:

Inb4 meltdowns.

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I never really get why people make a big deal out of censoring. Personally i feel it takes zero quality out of the song, i literally couldn't care less :smh:

Censorship ruins the art of the song! "Vulgarity" is part of what was written. It's like writing a song for an orchestra but they take out a measure because it was inappropriate. Then it's not the same song! Censorship helps no one. Why would anyone buy the clean version? "I ****** my former friend, let her in the trunk of highway 10." Since when is "killed" such a bad word? "Jewels n *****"!? X Dreams. Because bleeping "killed", "d--gs", "s-x", and a guy's last name (radio stations misheard the word Koons in Applause), has reduced murder, d--g abuse, and teen pregnancies. Oh wait.... 


In fact, it makes innocent words sound worse than they were. "I [f-u-c-k-e-d] my former friend." "Jewels n [dicks]"...


They tried to bleep Born This Way too which was weird. Bitch was taken away from Bad Kids and Queen, but in Bad Romance it's repeated about five times. f-u-c-k and s-h-i-t (this website just censored me -_-) were taking out of Government Hooker which is exactly what the song is about. 

I'm glad that there is an "explicit" version this time though, and fortunately the "explicit" version is being streamed on iTunes as well, you just have to click the Adult Content button.

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